A meeting of the Central Council of the Church of
England Temperance Society was held at the Church House on Tuesday. It was presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and attended by a very large number of Bishops. Resolutions were passed in favour of the Licensing Bill, in which the Council declared its hearty support " in particular to the principle of a time-limit for compensation ; but should it be proved that the time-limit of fourteen years will impose an unreasonable strain upon the trade, the Council would support such extension as may be considered fair and just." The Council supports as before "the principle of the ultimate resumption by the State on fair and equitable terms of the full monopoly value attaching to licenses as such." The Council also declares that "the regulations as to clubs should be very considerably strengthened, and that the restricted hours of sale on Sundays should be applied to the Metro- politan area." As our readers know, these resolutions are in complete accordance with the views which we have expressed in our columns, and we heartily congratulate the Archbishop of Canterbury and his colleagues on the moderation and statesmanship of their view.