In "Routledge's New Universal Library" (G. Routledge and Sons, ls.
net per vol.) we have The Tragedies of Sophocles, Trans- lated by Dean Plumptre, and Rienzi, by Lord Lytton.—In the same publishers' " Muses' Library " we get Poems of Bret Harts (1s. net), a treasury of good things, some of them not as well known on this side of the Atlantic as they deserve to be.— Mr. Alfred H. Miles continues his selection of " The Poets and the Poetry of the Nineteenth Century " by another volume, The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century Edward Hayes Plumptre to Selwyn Image (same publishers, ls. 6d. net). There are twenty-five names in all, among which the best known are Cecil F. Alexander and William Alexander, Aubrey de Vera, Coventry Patmore, W. C. Smith, George Macdonald, Christina Rossetti, and F. R. Havergal. Mr. Miles adds selections from some sixty other writers,—under the heading of "Ac etiam" (might we suggest that " atque " would be an improvement on "ac," which cannot come before a vowel ?)