Newspaper Press Directory. (C. Mitchell and Son. 2s.)—After six "newspaper
obituaries," the most generally known name being that of Mr. Joseph Hatton, come various indexes and catalogues raisonnis of London, provincial, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish news- papers, and of magazines, reviews, &c. Then follows a " Colonial and Foreign Section," prefaced by a descriptive article on " The New Australian Tariff." Some of the figures are striking. We import to the value of £79,283,565 from the Colonies, and levy duties on .4138,962, or one five-hundred-and-seventieth; the Colonies import from us £63,097,000, and levy duties on £44,963,000, or nearly five-sevenths. The things admitted free which used to be taxed ender the old tariff are " piece goods, cotton, linen, baize, &c.," " jute piece goods," "marine engines," "phonographs," and " cycle parts." Jute .seems to be the most important item. After this paper comes a catalogue of the Australasian Press.