The Official Year Book of the Church. of England. (S.P.C.K.
3s.)— This is a volume, it is almost needless to say, of the very greatest interest. It may be noted that nine Sees have been founded in the last thirty years at an expense of 4'727,000. It is proposed to found three more (Sheffield in York Province, and Essex and Suffolk in Canterbury), and money is being collected for these. We observe that the total amount of Easter offerings in thirty- seven dioceses is £105,789. Surely for the Inland Revenue to make all the trouble that they have done for a sum of £5,289 is not a little unworthy. The suns represents about .000016 of the total revenue. In the list of communities we see there are three brotherhoods (one is said to be under episcopal visitation) and twenty-six sisterhoods, in four of which mention is made of the Bishop.