PIT PONIES [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—It is stated that pit ponies are as well off working below the surface of the earth as they are upon it. Would it be possible for the following incident to happen in an ordinary country lane, and can we believe that this was the first time the pony in question had been ill-treated ? In February, 1930, a lad of 17 walked more than forty yards to find a pick. He then returned to where the pony had run off the line, and beat the animal about the head and neck with the pick until it died. Had the pony not died probably this atrocious act would not have been discovered and punished, as public opinion in a mine can scarcely be as unbiased as in
a village or town.—I am, Sir, &c., VIOLET WOOD (Secretary, The Council of Justice to Animals and Humane Slaughter Association). 42 Old Bond Street, W.1.