Australia In the House of Representatives on Friday, March 13th,
Mr. Scullin's Government averted defeat on a vote of censure moved by Mr. Latham, the Leader of the Opposition, only by an appeal to Mr. Lang's following of New South Wales extremists, who secured for it a majority of five. Survival by a margin of that sort emphasizes the imminence of dissolution ; and the defection of Mr. McGrath, who on Monday threw in his lot with Mr. Lyons, the late Acting Treasurer, reduces the Ministry's effective voting majority to three. They are now more than ever dependent on the tender mercies of Mr. Lang. The results of Tuesday's discussion on the revelations contained in the telegraphic messages exchanged between Mr. Scullin and .Mr. Lyons when the former was in London for the Imperial Conference suggest that the Opposition intend to play cat and mouse with the Ministry until they can defeat it on a vital issue, or until it destroys itself. Interest now centres on the choice of issue for an appeal to the country* * *