A Students' Tour to Greece
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.'
SIRS Will you assist me by making known the fact that the Tourist Bureau of the Greek Government has arranged for facilities to be granted to parties of English students which will enable them to spend ten days in Greece during the Easter holidays at a cost not exceeding 215 ? Parties are recom- mended to leave London on April 10th for Marseilles in time to catch the Greek steamer leaving next morning for the Piraeus, and due there on the 15th. I shall be responsible for arrangements for their reception and for their programme here, which after three days in Athens will include a seven days' tour of the most interesting places in Greece from a historical and archaeological point of view. Leaving the Piraeus on the 26th, the party would be due in London on the 30th. Of course, they must be prepared to travel on " cam- paign " or " hiking " conditions, with only such kit as they can carry.
Details can be obtained on application to the Southern Railway Continental Dept., Victoria Station, who are respon- sible for the arrangements at the London end.—I am, Sir, &c.,
(British Chaplain at Athens).
C/o British Legation, Athens.