My hunting days
Sir: In your issue of 28 February an article entitled 'Is our PR good enough?' stated that it was rumoured that the Duke of Beaufort dislikes fox-hunting.
This surprised me very much, and I must state, although I would imagine it of small interest to anyone except myself, that riding to hounds has been, until I gave up five years ago, much the most enjoyable activity of my life.
I am still Joint Master of my family pack and am proud to own the finest pack of fox- hounds in England. Although I no longer ride a horse, I shall always do everything I can to see that this wonderful sport survives in order that the younger generations may be able to experience the same joy and exhilarations and friendships I made doing what must still be the most exciting and harmless of pastimes, over the last 50 years. David Beaufort
® Badminton, Avon