21 MAY 1836, Page 11



On the 13111 inst. in Dill Street, Viscountess Exec/star, of a daughter.

On the !roll ite.t., in Welheek Street. the Lady of the Rev. HENRY CHAPLIN, Of a SOD. On the 141 II in,t., at Kingston Grove, Oxfordshire, the Lady of 'luau II Atutaskinr, Esq.. Of It daughter. OH ille trilti inst., nt Broomfield House, the Lady of HENRI, Powys. Esq., of twins. On the 17ils inst., at the Itoyal Mint, the Lady DEW. II. Bot.ron, Esq., of &daughter. On the IGth inst. at Norton Conyers, Yorkshire, Lady GRAHAM. of a son. On the 7th inst., in Melville Street. Edinburgh. the Hun. Mrs. FEaRixit Haan:row*

of a daughter.

On the I 2th inst.. at 42, St. Cuthbert Street,Etliuhurgh, Mrs, Dr. Convoy, of twins, a SDII aild it daughter.

Oft lite 14th iust., at .5speden Rectory. the Lady of the Honourable awl Reverend GRAN-MASI YouRE, or a daughter.


On the Ithlt inst.. at St. George's, II:mover Srplare, Captain SwnenuaNit, R.N., se- cond son of Sir John E. Sat inbttrate. Bart., to the Lady. J ANX ASIIBURNIIAM, tlaUghtel of the late utnI ulster or the present Fart of Astibuniltam. On the Iffilt inst.. at St. George's Church, lianover Square, Captain Wrzwits, -Queen's Royal Lancers, to I. suns, setiorld ti tughter oc Lieut.-Ueueral Sir Henry John CuninthAg, Qt. Upper Grosvenor Street On the 17th iust, at Doan. Kent, the Rev. J PIERCE MORRICE, Rector of Rynipton, someo.et. ro Hon-TANI.: [Axle Pow as. youngest da lighter of the late Lord !Alford. Oil the IC It ins( , at St. Mary Warne Church, ALS:Xa 11 iii It BRANDT. Esq.. or York Terrace, Itegent's Pads. SeCOlid sun of the late William Brandt, Esq.. of Archangel. St. Petershurgh, to NI A RV EspEll 4NCE, second daughter of Emanuel Henry Brandt, Esq. ofthester Terra's., Regent's l'ark.

On the Itithu ind., at East hun Church, TIENitY BIRCHFIELTI SWABEY, Esq., of Doc- tors' Coltman s. tu CAROLINE C ATTLEE, Widow of the late Robert James Cattley, Esq., or Wandse lath Common, and daughter of the late John Prescott, Esq., of St. Petersburgh.


On tlte 15111 hut., at Stowe, the Duteliess of BUCKINGHAM, in her 57t1m year.

Ott the StIt lust, at In,pritelt. Lady ALICIA BIssET. Oil the Dial it14., muh CliarlUIte Square, Edinburgh, Hon. ROBERT LINDSAY, of De- clares, see-arl son of James. Will Earl of Ilalcarres.

out the IS: it inst., of searlot fever, after three days' illness, at Lemons, the seat of his

mode. Lord Wy Ilford, S E E W I I.I.1 ASIKN APP, Esq.. of Lincoln's Inn. tit his 33.1 year. On the 12th inst.. at Lord Bexley's, Great George Street, Westminster, Mrs. SOPHIA VA NsaTTA ar. it! lier 6311I year. si,ter to Lord Bexley. on the 20111 inst., at his hon,e hi Connaught Terrace. the Hon. HENRI(' AuGUSTU8 BE Ric ELE v C isvEN, in his 60th year.

Ott the 12th tain A RTIlen ANNESEEY COTTON, or his Majesty's 7th Hussars, in his :nth ■ ear, son of C. B. ('otton, E-q. of Kingsgate, Isle of "Fhattet.

Ott the I 5111 inst., at his father's, Lient -Col Dive's. Oystermouth. near Swansea, Capt. !Awls Grottos I)IvE, of the Royal East Miuhillen'5hihitit, in his 35th year. • On the Stit ofJanuary last, at Calcutta, Litut-Col. 1,1,1 si Kxeuuv,ofthte Bengal Army. oh the 9th inst., at Holdeniz. Germany. or apoplexy, MAURICE FITZGERALD, Esq., eldest sou ar ;lie Ktti4ht of Kerry. in his 32,1 year. On the i nth inst.. as Balgone, Sir Janes LiltA NT SurriE, Bart., of Prestongrange and Balsone.

On the 12th inst.. Ii EXRY ltFsicrril, Esq of Newton. near Chester, in his 85th year. On the Eitli inst., suddenly, at his residence OR DOMICIL Common, DANtEL WILLIAM 1.:sfla of the General Post-office, in his 79th year. On the 14;11 inst., at St. Leonatffis. in her S5th year, BARBARA, Relict of the late Robert Dyni•ley, Esq of Bloomsbury square. and Mottingliam. On the 13111 inst.. at his house in Baker Street, Porttnau Square, Sir CHARLIM rams, K H., 1,1..O., F.R.S., in his 861h year. On II :e (0th iust., at Loanhead, Mr. ALEXANDER STEVENSON. in his 94th year.

On the 13th inst., at East Moulsey, in her 9dth year, MAR y, Relict of the late Sir Edmund Nagle.