Artived—In the Channel, Royal George. ltieltards; Colombia, Underwood ; and Emma Eugenia, 54 all link, from China ; Exmouth. Warren ; Ear 1 n re . Talbot ; Georgians. Thorns; I Cornwall, Bell, flout Bengal; Lady Fevorsham. ebster Carnatic. Brodie ; and Martinis of Ilastiugs. Clot kson, from Rombity ; Clifton. Worrall. from Ceylon ; Dent y Bell. Wesley ; Mary 'fa. tor, Early : tool Petry ant Park. Middleton, Iron) Martin ins; Bolton. Compton; rind Prince George. show. how Madras : Grecian'. Smith ; and ■Vesimineland. lirigstock. from VIII1 I.:11Id ; Olive FIValICII. stirliug; and William. Doom from the Cape ; and Susannah, Ridley, from New Smith Wales. At Bristol. St. George. Thompson. trout Bengal; and Para. gm'. Cook. from Mauritius. At Liverpool, Elizabeth, 51•Nair ; Eulduales. llaollsY illontImay Packet. Garnork; and Diana. Dawkins, from Bengal; Ileacaleati. King, front China ; and Tory. Reid, from Bombay. In the Clyde. Ilero of Maluitu.6 runt's, front Bombay ; mad Renown. NI'Leod. from Mauritius. At St. Helena. March 19th, 'froughton, Thompson. from China ; 25th. Eliza. Campbell. from Bengal; 291.1), Br:token Moor, Nichols ; and 31st. Fairy Queen. Douthu tile. horn Ct..) lou. At Bombay, Jan. 1st. Java. •forld; and 231, William MOcohn, Mani; son, from London. At Madras. Jaw 19th. Mary Ann, Tarbutt, from London. At China, Dee. 21t1t. Coro- mandel, Chesser; Mel Jam. 6th, lloodless. from Liverpool. At VIM Diemen's Laud, Nov. 131h, John, Whyte; 1511t. Brothers, Towns ; and 18111. Eldon. M'Alpin, front London; and Jessie. Bell, from Liverpool ; 20th, Dryad. Heard ; Dee 10th, Laytos. Hurst ; 111h, Derweot, Riddle; 14th, Auriga. Chalmers; awl 19111. Orissa. Rankin, front London. At New South Wales. Nov. 30th, Eranms Charlotte, Richards; and Dee. 911s. British Sovereign, Brim n, from Louden,. Sailed—Flom Gravesend, May 14111, Alexander Itaring, S. Croix, for China ; and Royal William, Ireland. for :kinder's. From Li. erpool. 13111. Great Harwood, Gowan, for Bombay ; 15111. hlalabar. Frobisher. for ditto; 17M. Laurence, Gill, for Bengal; and Italy, Comerais, for China ; and 18th, Allertuu, Leans, for Bengal.