The Parliamentary proceedings of the week seem no have acted tinfaveur. ably upon the Cons"! Market, and the price is toallay * per cent. tower than last week. Money is illso hero g scarcer; amt at fear is expressed among some capitalists, that the demand for bullion, which at present exists in the United States, may be can tied to such an extent as to caarrpel the Rank Direr.- tore to a considerable reduction of the an of their circular . At pie- sent, however, the state of tour exchanges unit the Continent is so favourable, that our export of the precious metals must till they decline he limited to America alone. A demand for gold. however, is likely to arise in ronsequence of the rontest noes going on in Sprint; the fund, for which to im; be pu olei. pally supplied in specie frritti England. Exelaspier Bills are higher than last wick. In the Foreign Mai ker, the husinetet has broil unimportant, arid the fluctua- tions were few until to-day. whets one of those panics to which the Spanish market has always been Fable has occur-fed. It appears that an espiess teacht41 town in the course of the ante fling. bringing intelligence horn Madrid to mini. night tie the 12th instant : on that day the Minister attended the Queen with various decrees relative to some changes which he contemplates in the organiza- tion of the artily. alajesty, however. ;wring upon the advice (as is sup- Dowd) "f some of the Opposition Members of the Legislature. refused to sign them. Under these circumstances. M AIENDIZAUAL mid his colleagues felt themselves called upon tat tender their resignatiens. When this becime koown, the Minister ee as waited upon by the officers of the National Guard, the chid merchants, and iutluential persons at Madrid, beseeching him to withdraw the tendered resignation. The next news is expected with considerable anxiety. This intelligence produced a disastrous effect upon the minket, and a decline of 3 per cent, occurred in about an hour; the lowest quotation having been 43. The market has since impowed, and closes at 431. A repott has also been prevalent that CORDOVA has gone over to Don CARLOS; but we believe that the real cause of the decline will be found to be as we have stated.
The Portuguese Securities have sympathized with the Spanish, although the fall has not been so extetisive.
The European Stocks are generally lower, in consequence of the depression of Consols.
The mat Let for Railway Shares has been very heavy, and a disposition to
sell has been prevalent a g the holders Friendly. The comparative value of two of the Brighton Companies has varied matetially ; the Sharers of Ste- phensun's line have declined 51., and Rennie's have improved about 10s.
The Consol Market is heavy, at 91/1 both far Aloney and ;the Account. Exchemier Rills are lower; and money runt in demand. The retirement of AL TtleeDIZABEL Boni the Spanish Ministty caused a general lush to sell. The market opened at 43, has since declined to 40i. and is now 403, 41h. Passive and Deferred Stocks me grimed, the homer at 1213, and the latter 20 21; but no business has occurred in either. Pultuguese 13onis are lower; the 5 per Cents. 84i, and the 3 per Cents. 5'4 ; but the transact* s in them have been unimportant. The Europeen Continental Stocks are heavy, in consequence of the flatness of the Consol alai Let; as are also the Railway Shares. The following are the prices of the principal 011eS-13righton 9 10; Rennie's 01; Greenwich 7* 8* ; North Midiatud la. 9 ; Cheltenham and Great Western oh 16. prem.
The Conseil Market has improved, and closes at 914 7,. III the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock bas been as low as 401 : from that point, however, a reaction occurred ; and a large purchase at 41 has caused a bother improve- ment in the price, which closes at 4::i . We are without any feu titer intel- ligence floor Madrid ; but the pi eyelets opinion seems to be, that 51. Al ENDt- ZABEL Will be I einstated in his office. Portuguese Stork has imptuvid; the Five per Cents. being 846 5, and the Three per Cents. 53 h. The Railway Shan M are generally at lie mot ' g's pi Wes. Rennie's Brighton Shares are in demand at previous quotations ; the last price of Stephenson's is 10.
3 per Cent. Consols 914 4 Dutch 24 per Cents
561 7t
pato for Account
Fiend' 3 per Lents _ New 34 per Cent. Anus
1001 i Mvxicat, 5 per (tints. 35 36
!MILL Stuck
::584 94
Poi I lig nese 3 per Cents. ....
534 flank Stock 212
Do. Itegebey a pea Cent.... 1.44 5
Exchequer Bills
13 15 pm It IISSil, tr. 1r-21. 5 per Cent ...
1094 10 Belgian 5 per Cents 1014 2 Si anish. 1834. 5 per Cent... 404 4 Brazilian 5 per emits
5114 7 unto. Deterred
20 211
Danish 3 per Cents. 704 7
Duto,Passi‘e 12t 13i