Dr. Fritz Miiller's well-known treatise For Darwin has been translated
by Mr. W. S. Dallas. (Murray.)—It deals with the natural history of the Crustacea, to which Dr. Muller has devoted especial attention, and in which he believes himself to have found very strong testimonies to the Darwinian theory. Readers who may not be inclined to accept these conclusions will certainly see in the book a treasury of valuable facts connected with this particular department of knowledge.—Darwiniant tested by the Science of Language. Translated from the German of Profes- sor August Schleicher, by Dr. A. J. W. Bekkers, (J. C. Rotten), is another argument in the form of illustration in favour of the same theory. Dr. Schleicher sees in the history of language a process of natural selection. The controvery itself must be left to other hands ; we cannot do more here than indicate to readers who may not be acquainted with them these contributions to it.