21 MAY 1892, Page 1

The semi-official German papers are greatly pleased with the Italian

resolve to adh&e to the Triple Alliance, and keep the Army prepared for all eventualities; and one of them, the Post, ventilates a singular idea. It says that the power of Russia has visibly and permanently declined, and that conse- quently, if Italy remains firm, France may at last be forced by her isolation to come to an agreement with Germany, and thus permit a durable peace to be established. All English- men will say " Amen " to that hope; but where is the evidence upon which it rests P Russia is suffering grievously, no doubt, in the lands drained by the Volga ; but her Army is not smaller, or less prepared, or more difficult to throw upon neighbouring territories. Her finances are embarrassed, but she can still issue paper roubles ; and even if they sank to a shilling, she could still collect the stores and munitions neces- sary for a terrible campaign. The German journals should not forget the melancholy truth, that however war may exhaust a State, victory always restores its credit.