But to have Turner travestied by.the three-colour process is like
hearing Beethoven upon a gramophone. If all Turner's wollifi perished, future generations would certainly not rank him as ,a colourist at all by these reproductions. Mr. Cook reproduces that wonderful drawing by Leonardo which is an anticipation of Turner's "Gate of the Alps." The world had to wait from the end of the fifteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth before the realisation followed upon the suggestion.
Two volumes of monumental size and weight describe the col- lection of pictures and china of Mr. James Orrock (Chatto and Windus, £10 10s. net). The richness of the collection must be great, to judge by the illustrations. There are fine examples of Turner, Constable, and De Wint among the landscapes, and of Reynolds, Gainsborongh, and Romney among the figure painters. Mr. Byron Webber writes an appreciation of Mr. Orrock, and is as eulogistic as a biographer of the living is bound to be.