Nipponizing Manchuria The situation in Manchuria is developing in sonic
respects as the Japanese desire, and in others, as a result. of the activity of General Ma Chan-shan's troops and other less organized bands hostile to the Manchukuil Government, as they do not. The Nipponization, if so it may be termed, of Manchuria continues. Japan's purposes are being systematically worked out behind the transparent screen of the puppet Government, and no effort is made to disguise them. A speech by General Araki, the Minister for War, declaring that Japan will pursue her policy regardless of what America or China or the League may say, has just come to hand, unit The Times published on Tuesday an abstract of a highly interesting article in a Tokyo paper by a Major Hanaya, lately attached to the political section of the Japanese General Staff in Manchuria. According to this, the real scat of authority in the new Government is a board or directorate with six bureaux under it, each of them having, like the board itself, a Japanese as its bead. if the veiled annexation' expressed through this and other instruments fails, Major Hanaya makes it clear that. real annexation will follow. In the face of this it seems superfluous to recall that the first article of the Nine Power Treaty signed at Washington in 1922 bound Japan and the eight other signatories " to respect the sovereignty, the independence and the territorial and administrative integrity of China."
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