21 MAY 1932, Page 22


Tim large trout on the wrapper of this book is evidence of the size of the fish habitually caught by Mr. Skues, as well as of its contents : the side-lines are trout-lines, the side-lights and reflections are all turned on trout. For Mr. Skues is a specialist of the most exclusive : salmon rods and tackle he finds coarse and clumsy: grayling, the beautiful and tireless grayling, he calls vermin ; and only the trout of the chalk- stream, trout of two pounds and three pounds and more, will give him happiness.

But how fortunate for the trout-fishing world that a man who has so specialized, who has had for many years the best of trout-fishing, has observed and thought, has made the most of his opportunities, and—not the least of his merits—can give us the result of his observation in sound, vigorous English. In his case, at any rate, the saying is not true that those who can catch fish can't write, and that those who can write can't catch fish. If, as he says, he is not " capable of sitting down and deliberately scheming and writing a book "—well, it is something that he has been 'persuaded to collect these " Fugitive Papers." For fishermen, who are never tired of reading about fishing, will find here all sorts of curious information, many practical hints and useful experiences, much ripe. wisdom with not a little humour, and, in the whole collection, very few pieces not worth pre- serving. Here is discussed, with due solemnity, whether the Welshman's button is a sedge or a beetle, and why there is still no satisfactory pattern of the blue-winged olive. Here are thumb-nail sketches of anglers " now with God "— Marryat, Francis Francis, Ilalford and the rest. Here are stories of trout-fishing in Bosnia, in Germany, in France, in Norway—it is typical of Mr. Skues that even in Norway lie fished for trout, not salmon. But best of all' are the stories and descriptions of days and adventures on the Itchen, the river to which the book is rightly dedicated, the river which Mr. Skues knows and loves best.