21 MAY 1937, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,--,---Trusted with the review of my book, Red, White and Spain, in your issue of May 14th, Mr. V. S. Pritchett, because of virulent disagreement with its politics, dismisses it con- temptuously in a few words as a book of no consequence.

I would, Sir, accept his verdict without comment were it not for the fact that the few words he wrote about the book reveal that he never read it. With a sneer he refers to me as being " trained in Fleet Street's self-congratulatory manner, and being the Evening News correspondent, he formed his judgements in London and strangely enough found them confirmed in Salamanca."

May I inform Mr. Pritchett that his imagination has on this occasion led him astray? My profession is that of an Aeronautical Consultant and I have only been inside a news- paper office on half a dozen occasions in my life. My only connexion with journalism is as an air expert. Why he should assert that I was the Evening News correspondent in Spain I have no idea for I stress in my book my complete inde- pendence. I am not at all sure that I am not still the only visitor to Spain who has not been either under an obligation to an-employer or to a Spanish host.—Yours truly,

17 Half Moon Street, London, W. I. NIGEL TANGYE.