pt prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of she winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes zstvaining. Solutions must bearblverLar.r..tec-han‘a probsselyacscetampirherwise they are surcharged ox 33. This artist becomes more 23. An alkali-metal. 25. 29 do this to their tongues.
26. The most exacting would 28. Sea-weed.
29. They compose high-fiown 32. Squeeze you in it. 20. The Press might use this to H. This kind of Council always
14. See 31.
15. " I was ever a fighter, so-
16. Plaster with rouge, but not on 17. This angler comes from z8. Didn't I sob with ease-from
I. Is a shaven man hypo- than sick as he goes on.
the face 1 find this waiter heavenly.
praise. gets mad.
being stubborn ?
convey delicate news ! critically friendly ?
The best and the last ! " . . fight more, 34. Sound with 3o. SOLUTION TO DOWN I. The deficiency the good have when they die young ?
2. This beggar affirms that he is incorrigible.
3. Niece's boa (snag.).
4. Long adventurous journey.
5. Cylindrical with bulges at intervals. 22. rev. Zdilatory fruit.
27. Vowels.
30. rev. See 34.
31. rev. 14 causes stupor. 21. My first is unchecked in x 24. Freehold right prevailing in
12. Shelley wrote of this queen. 19. Can be obtained from poetic ro. When temporary in the 13. It's less windy here. 7. " And . . . to these retired
9. When from top to bottom is
8. This eastern term of office meadows. young, this changes later to across, my second in 33. above what is left is right. bone.
Shetland. ends in enmity. That in trim gardens . . . s o'er the waters Leisure, blue." takes his pleasure." shore my native