21 MAY 1988, Page 58


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first three correct solutions opened on 6 June. Entries to: Crossword 859, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.

Twenty radials run from rim to centre, and twenty vice versa. The answer to each italic clue contains a word to be ousted by a letter to form an unclued light (e.g. CONCERTED, with A for ONCE, gives CARTED). The ten letters, clockwise, are significant; and so are the words forming the arcs 1/4 to 37/40 in the circuit next to the outer one.

Name Address RADIALS (6) 1 EEC maybe imports wine? Give proof 2 English manor, old, with yard in bad way 3 Quiet cat makes spring

4 Phaetons mistaken for another carriage (8)

5 Tenders essays 6 They keep chicks warm, hen's first deliveries?

7 Encloses, holding PO — and others (9)

8 Make soft? Drink will, it's said 9 Mulled toddies? One's left most peculiar 10 Seemly house, bird house 11 Treacherous region around Paraguay

12 Toiled, getting most of tub lagged outwardly (9)

13 Moths such as violate nests 14 Woodworms such as vex 15 Like a nest, crude in pen?

16 Bristly, livery in a dither (8)

17 A speed Ted reduced

18 Objected? Paid golfer tried (9)

19 Pull on paper kite 20 Sluttish poet turned aside 21 Rubbish eroded wheel

22 Clergyman preceded by girl guide (8)

23 Product of tar from network to NE 24 Secretive person's source of wealth 25 Pelts tint in steamer

26 Women opening can? Heather's providing peas? (8)

27 Tree, one in town and country 28 Guarantee old path skirts river

29 Liqueur for star, a beauty (9)

30 Gold in river edge? Round old stone!

31 Basic character, sober in bar 32 Saw suppositions as themes

33 Old beaks and I in Leeds, tipsy

34 Reflecting fashions about 50? Rarely 35 Leaves choking long beaches

36 Loses current silver to North in America (9) 37 1 trace out, measure back, for muscle constituent (8)

38 Slate reputation 39 Caught with hoax? My, how friendly!

40 Cuckoos annoy nudging out centre of cotes