21 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 1


THE French Cabinet, instead of meditating a retreat from the hos- tility of its opponents, or aiming at continuance by the bold measure of a dissolution, seems determined to adapt itself to circumstances, by new-modelling its parts. The King has appointed Prince POLIGNAC President of tie Council ; a distinction which M. de VILLELE long enjoyed, and the privileges connected with which he turned to good account. M. DE LA BOURDONNAYE has resigned, and it is supposed by many that BOURMONT will follow his example. LA BOURDONNAYE is said, by some, to have retired in consequence of the King's having declined to raise him to the office of President ; while others hold that the rest of the Cabinet were bent on getting rid cf a colleague so ob- noxious to the Chamber of Deputies. If the latter be the correct supposition, these political movements may perhaps be referable to the moderation of the King himself. " Have you a majority ?" he is said to have asked lately, of his Ministers : " Is a majority possible ?" Such an anxiety to propitiate public opinion, may even yet procure a reasonable popularity for the present Cabinet ; whose fault in the eyes of France has been not the ultraisnz of its measures, but the ultraists• whom it contained.

Sieur GUERNON DE RANVILLE, Attorney-General in the Royal Tri- bunal at Lyons, has been appointed successor to M. DE MONTBEL ; and there are some speculations as to the probability of M. DE VIL- LELE being recalled to the Cabinet, now that his determined enemy LA BOURDONNAYE has been removed from it. But while the Chamber of Deputies retain their hostility to the ex-minister, there seems little motive for this recall. BOURMONT seems to excite less hostility now in Paris than he did at first His partisans in the provinces busy them- selves for his fame. At the Marseilles Theatre, Mademoiselle VERT- PRE took the liberty, in the course of a piece, to make some political allusion to BonalioNr ; for which the Prefect of the place has threat- ened her with on indictment, and has actually sent to Paris to learn the pleasure of Government as to the conduct to be pursued towards the fair demagogue.