OFFICE OF Ortnx.axce, Nov. 10, 1829.-Corps of Royal Engineers : Maj.-Gen. Sir A. Bryce, to be Col.-Commandant, vice Eyers, deceased.
\Vali-Device, Nov. Ill, laala-Memormidum : The half-pay of the under-mentioned Officers has been cancelled faint the 20th naainn inclusive, upon their receiving a com- muted allowance fur their CO111111issitAIS :—QUar.-Ala,,. Cornish, half-pay- 28th Foot ; Lieut. C. Stewart, half-pay With Fele ; Lieut. G. Bradford, half-pay 28th Foot ; Lieut. Hon. I,. C. Dawson, ludapay 20th Foot ; Lieut. W. V. Gruver, half-pay 03d Foot ; Ens. 1. Srvahey, haltapay 49th Foot; Ens. W. Smith, halapay 2r1 Light Infantry Battalion, hirer's German Legion ; Lieut. A. J. liandlion, half-par 1st Draiminis ; Assist.-Sur. S. Ball-pay 80th Foot ; Lieut. J. C. cowell, halfamy :30th Emit ; Quar.-slats. T. Askey, half-pay 9;th Foot ; lacer. E. W. 11. Ant rib;,, hall.-pay 13th Foot; Lieut. 0. G. steckenstrom, hall_pay Cape Hera-Sur. W.11. Ricketts, of the 51st Foot, has also been allowed to retire from the Service, receiving at commie(' allowance for his commission.