E LONDON GAZE1TES. Tuesday, Nov. 17.
PARTNERSHIPS DIssOLVED.-Eaton and Senior, Sanclywell, Lancashire, common- brewers-Barber and lYillding, Leicester, hosiers-Adcock and Co. Saekville-street, tailors-ifulbert and Co. Morton, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners-H. and H. Barton, Bury St. ledinueds, carpenters-Smith and Johnson, Leeds, trine-merchants-Garnett and Boulton, Leeds, hackney-coeub-proprietors-G. and It:. Tacker, Liverpool, wine-mer- chants-Dove and Hooper, Frome-Selwoud, grocers-Lever and Sharp, Buckingham- street, Fitzroy-square, linen-drapers-Garnett and Merchant, Gerrard-street, coal-mer- chants-Beer and Isaac, Plymouth, plumbers-Abrams and Simmonds, Maidstone, tailors-Fletcher and Co. afanchester, calico-dealers-Beare and Batelle% Piccadilly, hotel-keepers-Marshall and Co. Huddersfield, inachine-makers-Piper and Co. Reigate, Croydon, and Dorking, bankers; as far as regards Piper-Ciimore and Milburn, New- castle-upon-Tyne, school mistresses-Lean and Co. alacelesfield, sill:-manufacturers.
INs oevieeere.-Nov. 16, J. Fey, Brixton, coal-dealer-Nov. 17, S. PLUMBE, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, surgeon.
BextocuPTCIES Su PE as elm D.-J. HILL, Red Lion-street, Holborn, coal-merchant- C. WADswORTII, Salford, spirit-dealer.
BANEttu PTS. - [TO surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinehall-street.] -W.
GILES, Harp-lane, Thanies-street, victualler, Nov. 24, Dec. 1, :al : eelieitor, Mr. Ben- nett, Adam-court, Old Broad-street-B. H. 1,ACEENRACHER, lime-street, City, mer- chant, Nov. 20, Dec. 1,1,9 :. solicitor, Mr. Bull, Ely-place, Hulhorn-J. II lee, Red Lion- street, Holborn, coalanerchant, Nov. 20, 24, Dec. 29: solicitor, Mr. Davison, Bread- street, Cheapside-J. Til RNT ON, Brook-street, Holborn, glass-cutter, Nov. 20, Dec. 4, 29: solicitors, Poole and Cu. Gray's inn-square-II. Heel. Islewerth and Chad', Gray's-inn-lane, bookseller, Nov. 27, Dec. 8, 29 : solicitor, Mr. Kelly, New-inn-T. STAM- MER, Francis-street, Golden-square, grocer, Nov. 241, 27, Dec. 29: solicitor, Mr. Nies, Copthall-court-E. ALLpREss, Watling•street, stationer, Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 29: soli- citor, Mr. Pugh, Fenehurch- street-H. C it A M P and J.CR.otwDY, Foster-lane, Scotch and Manchester warehousemen, Nov.24, 27, Dec. 29 : solicitor, Mr. Gadsden, Furnival's-inn, BANERUPTS.-[To surrender in the Country.J-G. LEECH, Lane-end, Staffordshire, grocer, Dec. I, 2, 29 : solicitors, Mr. Walker, Lincoln's-inn-fields; and Mr. Pickford, Congleten-J. and W. Bence, Taunton, woollen-drapers, Dee. 1, 2, 29 : solicitors, Mr. Jones, Crosby-square ; Wasbrough and Stanley, and Mr. Saunders, Bristol-J. 11E VAN, Pontypool, grocer, Dec. 3, 4, 29: solicitors, Bicknell and Roberts, Lincoln's-inn ; and Mr. Edwards, Pontypool-J. VARLET, Stanniugley, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer, Nov. 23, 24, Dec. 29 : solicitors, Straugeways and Walker, Barnard's-inn ; and Mr. Robinson, Leeds-T. Metes, Bath, carpenter, Nov. 25, 26, Dec.29 : solicitors, Horton and Son, Furnivars-inn ; and MI. Dowding, Bath-T. BA aeow, Pendleton and Man- chester, calico-printer, Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 29: solicitors, Mr. Hampson, Manchester ; and Ellis and Co. Chancery-lane-J. Aunt:ex, Weaverletni, Cheshire, farmer, Dec. 7, 8, 29 : solicitor, Mr. Kent, Clifford's-inn-J. Si ei Owes, Plymouth, grocer, Dec. 1, 2, 29: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Basinglialastreet ; and Mr. Busband, Devonport -T. NEW- COMBE, York, common-carrier, Dec. 1, 2, 29 : solicitors, Jaques and Bettye, Coleman- street ; and Wood and Newton, York-W. To wNEND, Kcighley, Yorkshire, corn-miller, Dec. I, 2, 29 : solicitors, Atkinson and Ce. Leeds-W. Bets II Lel cal, Lattiford, Seiner- setshire, dealer in cheese, Dee. 10, I1, 29 : solicitors, Mr. Dyne, Lincoln's-inn-fields; and Messrs. Meseiter, Wincanton -W. mecca:it:roe, Oewestry, tinman, Dec. 3,4, 29: solicitors, Rosser and Son, Gray's-ilia-place; and Gritlithes and Currie, Oswestry-S.
WATKINS, Merthyr Tyclfil, Glainorganshire, ironmonger, Nov. 19, 1,2!):29 : solicitors, Clarke anti Co. Lincoltasenialields ; and Mr. Hail, Bristol-W. GERARD, Liverpool, boot-maker, Nov. 27, 28; Dec. 29: solicitors, Mr. Malielsley, Liverpool ; and Adlington and Co. Bedford-row-J. II niece e, M. Lew ce, W. Lee eta and W. HA teomev, Tun- stall, Staffortlehire, manufacturers of earthenware, Dee. 4, 5, 29 : solicitors, Smith and Stable, Lincoln's-inn ; and Mr. Dent, Shelton, Staffordshire-S. THACKWAY, Ledbury, Herefordshire, stationer, Nur. 2e, 21e Dec. : solicitors, Bicknell and Roberts, Lin- coln's-inns and Mr. Holbrook, Ledbury-T. PEE Le, Peterborough, curnanerchant, Nov. 23, Dec. 8, 29 : solicitors, Mr. Atkinson, Peterborough ; and Bremriclge and Cleobury, FurnivaPsann-P. NUTTALL, Button-le-Moors, cotton-manufacturer, Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 29 : solicitors, Hurd and Johnson, Temple and Mr. Pendiebery, Bolton-le-Moors-E. W. Do re ON and W. DARKE, Aston, their Birmingham, chemists, Dec. 1, 2, 20: soli- citors, Swain and Co. Old Jewry ; and Webb and Dolphin, Birmingham.
DiviDENDs.-Dec. 15, Deakin, Aston, wire-drawer-Dec. 10, Jones:, Gloucester and Birmingham, timber-merchant-Dee. 17, Pring, Bristol, leather-factor-Dec. 18, Re- mington and Co. Lombard-street, bankers-Dee. 8, 1 ieseey, Fleet-street, bookseller- Dec. 11, Turner, Great Dover-road, carver-Dee. II, Bell, Fenchurch-street, merchant- Dec. 17, I8, Barnard, Boston and ski rbecir Quarter, Lincolnshire, banker-Dec. 9, Bird, sen. Cardiff, irennionger-Dee.9, Burnett, Stroud;Glancestershi re, innkeeper-Dec. 16, Kay, Bury, Lancashire, cotton-spinner. CE itTi PI CAPES to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Dec. 8.-Hart, Charlotte-street, Illackfriars-read, tailor-Ballard, Dockhead, cheesemonger- Sampson, eVeymouth and Melcornb Regis, linen-draper-Wyatt, Plymouth, grocer- Oakey, Cambridge, cattie-salesman-Brooks, Manchester, merchant-Veysey, Exeter, linen-draper-Banks, Lothbury, auctioneer-J. and 11. Allen, Birmingham, glass-cutters.
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION.-W. LIDDELL alld Co. Glasgow, merchants, Nov. 21, Dec. 7, ut the Black Bull Inn, Glasgow.
Friday, Nor. 20.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Stater and Little, Shoreditele drapers-Young and Chntteris, Waltham-Abbey, brewers-Fairbairns turd Co. Newbottle, earthenware-manu- facturers ; as far as regards .1. NVoucl-Spencer and Co. Prescot, earthenware-maniffac- turers ; as far as regards J. Spencer-G. S. and J. P. Oldtield, Baltimore and Philadel- phia-Allen and Bridges, Itirininelacon, booksellers-W. and J. Wood, Whitehaven, gro. cers-Cawthorne and Twigge, Ntailbrook, tea-dealers-Broderick and White, Church, engravers to calico-printers-Edwards and Shute, Bristol, rectifiers-S. and G. Steven- son, Upper King-street, upholsterers-Stilwell and Kenrick, Uxbridge, surgeons-S. mud J. Warden, Birmingham, coal-dealers, West 13roinwiell, and FIockley, brick-makers- Nicholls and Co. Wood-street. Cheapelde, silk-merchants-Landells and Co. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, and Wilkinson ancl Co. Catentort-street, woollen-drapers. INS Cite ENT.-Nov. 18, E. Mee nee, Benitez', hatter. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.-C. A. 3IAn nex, High-street, Southwark, eating-house- keeper. BANKRUPTs.-[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basingholl-street.]-J. HART, Great Chart, Kent, dealer in hope, Nov. 21, Dec. 1, Jan. 1 : solicitors, Dickinson and Kine, Gracechurch• street-J. S-ANpcastN, Gerrard's-cross, victualler, Nov.27, Dec. 4, Jan. I : solicitor, Mr. It ounsell, Percy-street, Bedford-square-T. S. Aimee, Eton, mil- ler, Nov.27 Dec. S, Jan. 1: gee:Ater, Mr. Jones, Size-lane-A.R. G. F I .; lc, Norwich, tea-dealer, kov. 27, Dec. 8, Jan. 1 : solicitors, Bartlett and Bethieme, Niclielas-latie, Lombard-street-C. '1'. I. HAW noon, Well-etreet, soap-manufacturer, Nov.24, Dec. 1, Jan. 1 : solicitors, Birch and Garth, Great Winchester-street-J. P. HILLMAN, Lower Thames-street, dealer in glass, Dec. 1, 4, .Inn. L : solicitor, Mr. Stedman, Thromnorten- street-R. and II. Feetn, Queen-street, Cheauside, and Whitechapel, eolourruen, Dec. 1, 4, Jan. I : solicitors, Willett and Larkins, Essex-street, Strand-J. C111:reemes, Rye, shopkeeper, Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Jan. 1 : selieitors, Egan sort Waterman, Essex-street, Strand-W. BRADLEY, R. BARCH, E. Pesea-, and J. Benoti.ev, Great Guildford- street, Southwark, iron-founders, Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Jan. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Watson, Ger- rard-street, Soho-W. Bee Low, Wells-row, Islington, stone-mason, Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Jan. 1 solicitor, Mr. Boti,thed, Chatham-place, Illackfriars-J. BA RToN, Union-street, Southwark, grocer, Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Jan. I : solicitor, Mr. Rocliford, Borough-road.-J. BARTLETT, Barnstaple, woollen-draper, Nov.2-1, Dec. -I, .Jan. 1: solicitors, Bartlett and Beddome, Nicholas-lane, Lombard-street-G. Cirowl,Es, North Audley-street, uphol- sterer, Dec. 4, 11, Jan. 1 : solicitor, Mr. Harris, Bruton-street.
Beret:no res.-[To surrender in the Country.]-S. ABBOTT, Leamington Priors, builder,. Nor. 27, 28, Jan. I : solicitors, Amory and Coles, Throgwerton-street ; Mr. Parkes, Birmingham ; and Mr. Haynes, Warwick-F. leek: and E. Eeels, Dudley, couch-builders, Dec. 4 5 Fen. 1 : stele:ten-a Norton and Chaplin, Gray's-inn ; and Haw- kins and Richards, Birmingham-G. WILT. I Nsos, Birmingham, saw and edge-tool ma- nufacturer, Dee. 7, 8, Jan. 1: solicitors, Messrs. Bit:loot, Inner Temple; and Mr. Page, Birmingham-J. PoNTE V, litulderslield, grocer. Deu. 3. 4„Jan. 1 : solicitors, Bettye and Co. Chancery-lane ; and Mr. Cuttie, Wakefield-,J.1-.1. terosoe, Rye Hill, Nortimmher- land, builder, Dee. 5, 10, Jan. 1: solicitors, 3lr. Williamsou, Gray'.;-in n; and Mal ngledew, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-J. J.AcssoN, Liverpoul, corn-clealer, lice. 2, 3,Jan. I : solicitors, Mr. alandsley, Liverpool ; and Adli ngtun and Co. Medford-row-S. RAW LI NGs' Waleot, Somersetshire, carpenter, Dec. 7, 8, Jan. 1 : solicitors, Arnett and Elderton, Temple; and Mr. Roberts, Bath-13. and W. AIRED, Calverley, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturers, Nov. 2.5, 26, Jan. 1: solicitors, Mr. Lambert, Bedford-role; and Mr. MossrnanaBrad- iartieeers X1110111'8 Cilt1tVullatas /nti/der, NOV. 24 3es JO, Jo, solicitors, Vizard, and Blower, Lincoln's-inn-fields; and Pruen and Co. Cheltenham-M. S. Met, Frampton. Cotterell, Gloucestershire, brewer, Dec. 3, 4, Jan. 1 : solicitors, Mr. Harmer, jun. Bristol; and Bicknell and Ruberts, Lincoln's-inn.
Divine:Nos.-Jun.18. Eecudier, Albemarle-street, hotel-keeper-Dec. 18, Wil eine Beckford-row, \Valworth, coal-merchant-Dec. I1, Jocelyn, Ipswich, wine-merchant -Dec. 16, Pomfret, York, dealer in china-Dec. 16,3Iatther, Manchester, publican-Dee. 14, Richmond, Stockton, mercer-Dec. la, Collis, Colne Eneaine, leesex, miller-Dee, 14, Benskin, Margate, builder-Dec. 18, Christin and Co. College-itill, merchants- Dec. 12, Birch and Humpson, Manchester, grocers-Dee. 1 a !Houghton, King's Arms- yard, Coleman-street, merchant-Dee. 11, Clapham, Wakefield, wine-merchant-1e, 11, Turner, Layton, Essex, dealer in horses-Dee. 11, ',Fenn, Angel-court, Thrown:a*. ton-street, insurance-broker-Dec. 11, King, Wargrave, Berkshire, stage-coach-master -Dec. 11, Cohen, Goodtnan's-fields, merchant-Dee. 11, Harrop, Grass:Tuft, Yorkshire, clothier-Dee. I I, Green, Little Chester-street, Grosvenor-place,deeotuviketi.gteir,-, Smallhones, New-road, St. Pancras, glass-cutter-Dee. 14,
Dee. 5, Prodgers, Ludlow, banker.
Ceertei CAT es to be granted, cause be shown to the contrary on or before 1), 11. Snell, Vehitechapel, potato-merchant-Gilbert, High-street, Southwark, hosier- Yates, Titherington, silk-throwster-Banks, Gutter-lane, lace-dealer-Jones, Potter's. fields, Southwark, wharfinger-Robinson, Stansfield and Great Whelnetham, miller-Lee, Mincing-lane, merchant-Gill, Southwark and Walworth, flour-fat:tor- Heynes, Cheltenham, wine-merchant.
SCOTCH SEouESTRATI ON. GEORGE HALDANE and Co. Glasgow, spirit-dealers, Nov.
24, Dec. 10, at the Claremont Tavern, Glasgow.