21 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 9


WE are happy to find that music flourishes in the City. Three series . of concerts are announced there, and two out of three promise well. The second of the " City of London Amateur Concerts" took place on Monday last, and we understand the performance to have been a very creditable one. We feel obliged to the gentleman who sent us the scheme, and the criticism which accompanied it ; but we beg to say, once for all, that we never exercise our musical censorship by deputy. The scheme exhibits too much of an exclusive taste. Nearly all the music was Italian, although three of the singers were English. We venture to hint to the Directors, that there are English composers whose works would make as respectable a feature ill their bills as those of PACINI.

As nothing gives us greater pleasure than to witness the extension of a taste for the higher branches of musical composition, (and the scheme before us contains several pieces which deserve to be so classed) we shall feel happy in giving a more detailed notice of some flit ore concerts by these City Amateurs.