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The election of an Alderman, in the room of the late Mr. Thorp, for the ward of Aldgate, commenced on Tuesday. The candidates were Mr. Sheriff Salomons, Mr. Humphery, M. P. for Southwark, and Mr. James Law Jones. The show of bands was in favour of Mr. Salomons ; but a poll was demanded for Messrs. Humphery and Jones. The polling commenced at four in the afternoon, and ended at six; when the numbers were—for Salomons, 49; Humphery, 36; Jones, 30. It was recommenced on Wednesday morning ; and at the close of that day, Salomons had 64, Jones 58, and Humphery 57 votes. Very numerous objections were taken to the tendered votes, by the profes- sional gentlemen engaged by each of the candidates ; and in this way the slow rate at which the voting proceeded is accounted for. The polling closed finally at two o'clock on Thursday ; when it appeared that Mr. Salomons was elected by a small majority ; the numbers being—for Salomons 75, Jones 68, Humphery 67. The suc- cessful candidate's speech was full of gratitude. Mr. Jones said he was not at all sorry for the result ; though he regretted that Mr. Charles Pearson should be able to impose an Alderman on a ward with which he was not at all connected. Mr. Humphery denied that Mr. Pearson exercised such an influence : he had been defeated by Mr. Jones's coming forward after a promise to hold back ; he had received 126 promises of support, but these promises had not been kept : he rejoiced that Mr. Salomons, and not Mr. Jones, was at the head of the poll.