In reference to the Municipal elcceons, tha Lirerpool Times say!—
The Reformers are everywhere acting with vigour and union, and that their prospects are excellent. We shall not publish a list of the candidates, as every thing is yet incomplete; but we may say that those likely to be brought forward by the Reformers, are men of station, character, and the highest re. spectability—men who will do honour to any party, and in whose hands the interests of the town will be safe. We entreat the members of the different wards to go on as they have begun, and all will end well."
We learn from the Kent Herald, that while the Tory party in Can- terbury have had the impudence to put forth a list of candidates for the Town-Council, concocted in some hole-and-corner meeting, the Libe- rals have gone the right way to work, by calling public ward meetings; at which, after some discussion, suitable persons were nominated. We are likewise glad to see that pains will be taken, at least in Canterbury, (and we trust the example will be universally followed by the Re- formers,) to revise the Overseers' lists in the Barristers' Courts, which will open on or soon after the 1st of December.