A memorial having been presented to the Duke of Norfolk,
for a piece of ground on which to build a new church, the following is, we believe, a correct copy of his Grace's reply-
- Farnham, 29th October 1935.
" Gentlemen—I have received your memorial, requesting me to make grant of a suitable piece of ground, in Sheffield Park, for a church and cemetery. When, upon a former occasion. 1 made grant of laud for erecting a new church in Sheffield, I recollect, with grief, that the only acknowledgment expressed by the clergyman who preached at t he opening and consecration of the new church, was a violent and unfounded attack upon the religion a hid, I profess. The feelings naturally excited by conduct so illiberal, as well as so unworthy of a Christian minister, might, perhaps, justify me in meeting your request with a negative. lint I a ill dismiss from my mind all such feelings ; and, in the true spirit of the Catholic religion, which, like every other system of Chrisiianity, enjoins the forgiveness of injuries. I will comply with the wishes of my P.otestatit brethren and fellow townsmen, and give directions that a suitable plot of ground shall
be allotted for the purposes required. I remain, gentlemen, &e.
"Messrs. Crosland, II inde, &c. &c. Tenants NORFOLK." 10 the Duke of Norfolk. in Sheffield Park."
In order justly to appreciate this act of his Grace, it should be understood that, the property being in strict settlement, he must pay out of his own pocket the estimated value of whatever he gives away, and settle the money on the family trusts.—Sheffleld Independent.
[The Duke of Norfolk is at the head of the Catholics, whom the Times, the Standard, and the Post, in alliance with the hired Orange absentee and agitating parsons, have been reviling for months past, us bigoted, perjured, immoral, and traitorous miscreants.] A meeting was held at Topsham, Devon, last week, on the subjet t of a church-rate; when the motion for granting it was met by anothtr motion for its postponement for six months : the latter motion was carried by a majority of II.
Public baths on a large scale are about to be constructed in the town of Sheffield, by subscription. The Kentish Gazette states that the Reverend Mr. Gleig and an- other gentleman volunteered to write articles for that paper during the discussion of the Reform Bill.