Great Stanhope Street, 13th November 1335.
Gentlemen—I have read, a ithout surprise. Mr. O'Connell's very elegant awl gentle- manly address to you, purporting to be a reply to mine of the '20th ult. As there seems to Le no doubt that the transactions between that individual and myself will become the subject of Parliamentary impiry, I shall not enter into any further controversy on the subject, particularly as I profess myself utterly incompeteut to compete with Lint in language a hich I have ever been, and I trust ever shall be, incapable of using.
I shrink not from investigation before a tribunal where facts not assertions. however audacious, will prove to whom the epithets " vagabond."" faithless creature," and " a mighty great liar," are most applicable.
I will only add, that notaithstanding Mr. O'Connell's " guarantee, in the fullest sense of time honourable engagement, that I should not possibly be required to pay one shilling more in any event, or %ale any coutingency whatsoever," I have beeu called upon to pay, and have paid, upwards of 11001. in addition to the 20001. towards the expenses of opposing tho " petition against the return," and there are other claims sill unsettled.
I oleny that I have been guilty of any breach of confidence in publishing the con respondence; no secrecy was imposed, nor was any necessary, that I am aware of; and had Mr. O'Connell performed his engagement, or expressed any regret at not being able to do so, I. of course, should not have published that which would have been a matter of no importance to any one but ourselves. As it is, he has himself only to thank for this additional exposure of his mode of fultilling his "honourable engage- Meats." I remain, gentlemen, your very obliged servant,