SToCK EXCHANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Our notice of the operations in the English Stock Market will be almost entirely confined to reporting another purchase of upwards of half .a million, which occurred on Thursday, on account of the West Indian Indemnity claims. The price given was 913 and 914; being from to / per cent, higher titan the price of last week. The price of Stock, however, gave way in the course of yesterday afternoon, in consequence of some extensive sales for Account. These operations are understood to have originated in the arrival of sonic intelligence from Russia, of an unfavourable character. The onlyinformation of import- ance brought by the arrival alluded to, we believe is, that a great rise has taken place in the price of tallow in St. Petersburg ; for which there is sufficient cause in the state of the oil-market here ; and the improvement of nearly / per cent, which occurred in the French Funds on Wednesday, when the character .a the recent accounts from Russia must have been known, does not warrant us in attaching any importance to the rumour. In tbe Foreign Market, Spanish Cortes Bonds have been the chief objects of attraction, and have continued to improve during the whole of the week. The onvaried tenor of the news from Spain, and the revival of confidence in the money markets of Amsterdam and Paris, which has caused some considerable purchases to be effected here for Foreign Account, may be cited as the cause of this further rise. The price has been frequently depressed by the very exten- sive sales which have been made from time to time by the real holders of the Stock ; but the market has been supported, and the price generally improved, by the large speculations which have been entered into for the rise. Money is much more easily obtained on the security of Spanish Bonds than it was some time ago ; and we should say that the credit of the Spanish Government had lately risen in a greater degree than the price of its Stock.
An impulse has been given tc South American Securities during the last few
'clays; but we believe the revived speculation in these Bonds rests upon no surer foundation than the expectation that the present session of Cortes, which was to open at Madrid on Monday last, would not be allowed to pass without a formal recognition of the independence of the South American States. The Railway Shares are without much variation ; indeed, several of the new enterprises seem quite forgotten. The Great Western, Greenwich, and London and Birmingham, are, however, nearly as in our last report.
SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The transactions of the morning have not been such as to require any re- mark. Consols have not varied in the slightest degree from the opening price; and the Spanish Matket is rather dull, in consequence of the almost total absence of business. The Railway Shares are at yesterday's prices, with the exception of the London and Birmingham, which are rather higher. SATURDAY, FOUR o'CLocz.
The Consol Market closes as in the morning. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock had improved about / per cent. ; some purchases having oc- curred in the course of the afternoon, in anticipation of the effect to be pro- duced by the speech of the Queen Regent upon the opening of the Cortes. The speech itself was to have been delivered at Madrid on Monday last, and it is expected that a copy of it will be received here on Monday next. The anticipations of its effect upon the price of the Bonds are in sonic quarters very sanguine. The market has, however, since declined, and closes as in the nun Ding.
A meeting of the Shareholders of the Greenwich Railway took place today; when it appeared that the sum requisite fur the completion of the undertaking
will exceed the amount of the d subscribed i sc be ribed capital by 140,000/. ; which it is pro- posed to raise in dentures bearing 5 per cent. interest. The price the shares has not, however, been affected.
3 eer Cent. Consols 914 4 Dutch 21 per Cents 6544 D 9
Ditto for Account French 3 per Cents — New 31 per Cent. Annuities 100/ Greek. 1825. 5 per Cents
Bank Stock 2104 Alexican 6 per Cents. 38 39 Exchequer Bills 58414 16pm. Portuguese 3 per Cents °amble' 904 4 — h., Do. Regency 5 per Cent
Belgian 5 per Cents..ex.div 100i i Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent 1024 il
Brazilian 5 per Cents. 841 fit Spauish, 1835, 5 per Cent.. 484 i
Danish 3 per Cents. 761 Ditto 1835 —