21 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 9

Vestals brought out another new burletta, of the farcical kind,

this week; it is called Comfortable Service ; and is founded o.1 ti e anecdote of a man hiring himself as a lady's maid, and the recent rol- beries of plate. Simon (KeEtey), being unjustly accused of robbing the plate-chest of his master, gets into the next house disguised in the clothes of his sweetheart and fellow servant, Mary Maunders ; and, to escape detection, pretends he has come after a place, and is hired before he can get clear off. While in this disguise, he and Mary, who comes to look after him, are witnesses to an attempt at robbery, in which the butler of his master aids the steward of his new mistress ; and the thieves being detected, he is proved innocent. KEELEY'S ludicrous figure in female attire, and his appearance in a night-dress acting the part of a somnambulist, have a most laughable effect; and Mrs. ORGER'S Mary is perfect.