21 NOVEMBER 1863, Page 2

The intelligence from America has for the past fortnight been

all of one description. The confidence of the Republican Adminis- tration is every day increasing. General Thomas is safe at Chatta- nooga, and General Meade has been ordered to commence an attack on the Confederates in Virginia. New York State has declared for the active prosecution of the war by a majority of 35,000, and the only State now ruled by Peace Democrats is the little one of New Jersey. Mr. Seward says that the war has made every man in the North richer ; and the sentence, insane as it is, only expresses the public feeling. There is not a sign of weakness, or want of heart, or any new disposition whatever, except to terminate the slavery question, now and for ever. The Democracy, after the way of South, after the way of aristocracies, is hardening itself for defence ; and the only visible prospect is another series of conflicts, equally without result—the North not suffering much, because the emi- grants fill up its loss ; the South not suffering much, because its labouring class is not in the field.