Mr. Bright's speech has already borne fruit. At the Con-
ference convened by Dr. Parker to consider the subject of Disestablishment on Thursday, the leaders of the Nonconformist Party denied all responsibility for the Liberationist suggestions, and indeed disavowed them as anything but suggestions to be considered as a basis for-discussion. Mr. Guinness Rogers most earnestly protested against the notion that there is any wish at all for the disintegration of the Church of England ; and " the Radical Programme," so far as it bears on the Church, seems to have found very little favour even with the sturdiest Noncon- formists present. We have always held Mr. Bright to be a typical specimen of Nonconformist moderation ; and we believe that, even if Disestablishment ever comes about, Mr. Bright's moderation in reference to Disendowment will be approved by a large majority of the disendowers.