The Dean of Manchester, Dr. Oakley, in the letter published
in Tuesday's Times, avows that he is, as we supposed him to be, wholly opposed to what is generally understood by Disestablish- ment and Disendowment ; bat he adds a very salutary warning to those who are trying to exact pledges in this direction. "I desire to say frankly that supposing myself,—per a candidate for Parliament, no threats and no persuasions should induce me to give a pledge never in any circumstances to vote, or even not to vote in the next Parliament, for any change that might be proposed in the status and the endow- ments of the Church, even if called by the twin names of fate" [Disestablishment and Disendowment]. "And I will, therefore, be no party to hampering the discretion and limiting the con- sciences of other men. What we want is more, not less, freedom in our chosen representatives in Parliament." As the Dean speaks in very strong language indeed of "the wicked intoler- ance, the amazing unscrupulousness of the Liberation Society's scheme," his letter must not be understood as halting between two opinions.