P• ARLIAMENT met on Monday for the autumn session in a spirit very,different from that in which it ended the last session. The Opposition in its attempts to be indignant, though it produced catalogues of causes for indignation, quite failed to be bitter. Even the success- fully-asserted claim or the Government to the whole session which takes away most of the private Members' usual right's, did not provoke a storm, thOugh that might have been expected. The truth is that there is, tein- forarily at all events, a quiet and reasonable mood. After all, you cannot preach brotherly love to other ‘ .„ nations wifhout the sermons having some effect upon your own household. • Our Parliamentary correspondent has s described the present unruffled temper of Parliament ind we shall not say more on the subject now. In our second leading article we have dwelt upon the importance df making use of this temporary truce by. definitely trying to ifnprove the relations between Capital and Labour.
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