21 NOVEMBER 1925, Page 17


SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I would recommend the following ideas as helpful for the clergy to be of greater service as preachers : The estab- lishment of a clerical library within reach of all the clergy, in town and country, replenished from time to time from the libraries of the clergy after their death, for such books are now scattered or sold for a trifle ; granting executive powers to Rural Deans with remuneration for their work to see that the clergy study methodically for their sermons, so as to preach on the burning questions of the day ; methodical exchange of pulpits which would help to kindle the zeal of the clergy licensed to preach to very small congregations from year to year. The laity might render great help in this matter by lending their cars.-- I am, Sir, &c., J. MEREDYrIc WILLIAMS.

Lonna Vicarage, Neath.