Christmas Reprints OUTSTANDING among reprints and reissues which will be
available for Christmas are a new and handsome illustrated edition of Bernard Berenson's The Italian Painters of the Renaissance (Phaidon Press. 30s.) ; a reissue with corrections of the third edition of Dr. G. M. Trevelyan's History of England (Longman. 25s.) ; two new volumes in the Hallam edition of Stefan Zweig's collected works, Beware of Pity, a noVel• and Adepts in Self-Portraiture, essays on Casanova, Stendhal and Tolstoy (Cassell. 10s. 6d. each) ; and a second edition of Dr. R. W. Chapman's excellent collection of Jane Austen's Letters (Oxford University Press. 42s.), which contains a new and interesting letter to Martha Lloyd. This last is to be published on November 27th.