The events in Germany have operated prejudicially upon the Stock Market. The price of Consols, which had declined upon the intelligence of the outbreak in Vienna, recovered with the report of the retreat of the two Imperial armies from before that city; but has again fallen today upon the receipt of intelligence of the disturbances in Berlin. The range of fluctuation has been from 85 to 84k; the closing quotation this afternoon being 84k ft.
The settlement of the Consol Account occurred on Tuesday; and the only cir- cumstance worth notice was the scarcity of Stock; the price for November being on that day the same as for Money. This scarcity still continues. The decline is consequently the result of speculative sales; the public being evidently buyers. Among the noteworthy transactions of the week, may be cited a purchase of Long
Annuities by the Bank Broker. These securities appear to be in demand, and are relatively much higher than they were last year, though still something below their value as compared with that of an analogous annuity. A..rd- Mg to the tables published by the National Debt Office at the present price of Consols, 1001. Stock would purchase an annuity of 91. Ss. fid. far 11/ years- and 1001. mosey so invested would purchase an annuity of 101. Is. 8d. for a like term. Taking the price of Long Annuities at 81. 7s. 6d. per 11. annuity, 1001. money would purchase an annuity of 101. 14s. &I. if invested in that stock. We should remark, that as the Long Annuities will expire on the 5th January 1860, the duration of the two descriptions above referred to is pre- cisely the same-11/ years. The only activity observable in the Foreign Funds has been in Mexican Bonds; which were at one period in demand, and then reached 19/. With the fall in Consols, however, a downward movement is apparent; and the quotations today are from k to I per cent below the highest. Portuguese Bonds are rather lower, without much business; and Spanish Stock is still declining. The Northern European Stocks are without change in price, or the occurrence of any large business.
The Railway Market has been tolerably steady, without any large increase of business or any fluctuations of moment. Of the more important Shares, North- western are the only ones that are higher today than last Saturday; and though during the week the advance in price has been about 31. 10s., the 'quotations today are only about 2/. above those last given. In some of the minor Shares an
improvement s observable; but the advance is slight, and the market for these varieties is without any appearance of vigour. Some very absurd insinuations against the truth of the facts quoted in the Weekly Share List and the btmaftdos of that publication have appealed in one of the papers. Now the Weekly List 18 considered by competent judges as the best authority on Railway statistics ex- tant: since its first establishment, in July 1847, it has been devoted to the dis- section of the accounts periodically rendered to their shareholders by the Execu- tive of Railway Companies; and from such examination has continually stated, that the rate of dividends paid upon Shares generally could not be maintained. Such predictions have been, unfortunately, verified. Take, for instance, the three leading lines, the dissection of whose accounts have given rise to the present dis- cussion. In July 1847, the dividend paid on North-western Shares was at the rate of 10 per cent per annum; in July 1848, that dividend was reduced to 7 per cent. In 1847, the dividend paid upon Great Western Shares was 8 per cent; it is now 7 per cent. The dividend upon South-western Shares has fallen during the same period from 9* to 6 per cent.
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 14th October exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results— BANKING DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease. Rest £463,839 Public Deposits 2,665,081 Other Deposits £2,621,879 — Seven-day and other Bills 36,536 Government Securities, Including Dead-weight 982,716
Other Securities
Notes unissued 942,755 Actual Circulation 858,285 Lamm DEPARTMENT.
Notes issued — 84,970 Bunton — 158,022 This week. Last ?reek.
Total Bullion in both Departments 13 259,219 13,417,241 Actual Circulation 18,333,760 17,475,475
Consols opened at 84# / both for Money and Account, an advance of * on the closing prices of yesterday. There have been sellers at 84* more than once; but the price has rallied again to the opening quotation. Long Annuities are m de- mand at current prices. There is no change or business of importance in the Foreign Market. The Share Market is heavy, the trifling indications of improve- ment recently remarked having subsided. The following are the chief bargains occurrog: Caledonian, Preference, at; Eastern Counties, 12; East Lincolnshire, 20; Hull and Selby, 94; Norfolk, New 204 101. paid, 1; North British, 121; York, Newcastle, andiBerwick, 22/ ; Ditto, Original Newcastle and Berwick, 22 21/.
3 per Cent Consols 844 4 Danish 3 per Cents 65 8 Ditto for Account 844 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 434 41 3 per Cent Reduced 834 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 674 84 34 per Cents 844 i • Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 194 4 Long Annuities 84 7-16 New Granada 11 12 Bank Stock Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 224 34 Exchequer Bills 82 36 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 65 8 India Stock Russian 5 per Cents 97 9 Brazilian 5 per Cents 702 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 104 114 Belgian 44 per Cents 70 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 214 24
Buenos Ayres 20 3 Venezuela 14 16 ChM= 6 per Cents 82 4
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. $2, for the week ending on Saturday, the lith day of October 1848.
Notesimucd £26,739,163 Government Debt 111,015,1C0
Other Securities 2,984.900 Gold Coln and Bullion 12,229,256
Silver Bullion 509,909 .126,719,165 £26,759,163
Proprietors Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities (in- Rest . 3,382.646 eluding DeadWeightAnnuityM13,845,012 Public Deposits. 4.297,385 Other Securities 11,202,230 Other Deposits 10,674,983 Notes 8,405,405 Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,064,707 Gold and Silver Coln 620,066
£93,972,721 £33,972,721
• includingExchegner, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.
436,9- 14