THE Emperor of Germany opened the Reichstag in person on Monday in a lengthy speech. His Majesty told the members that the military budget was not quite ready, but that it would show no increase, while there had been a surplus on the whole budget for the past year. The indemnity from France would be used in the first place to pay off the war loans—good policy, as this disperses the money received—and the Emperor hoped to complete the reorganization of part of the army, to ex- tend the fortifications, and to reform the coinage. Salaries alio must be allotted to the Imperial officials. On domestic affairs his Majesty said nothing ; but on foreign affairs he announced that his Government trusted that of France, and believed in its solidity, and that he was on the best terms with Austria, with which state Germany was by her history so inti- mately connected, and with Russia ; he had had interviews with the Sovereigns of both States, and believed his personal relations with them were additional guarantees for "a peaceful future." He trusted the German Empire would be "a rock of peace." Amen ! but the sheep will not enjoy the shade much if an eagle always perches on the top.