On the other hand, Mr. P. Barry, who writes himself
" treasurer" (we suppose of the Social Alliance), wrote to Thurs- day's papers to say that Mr. Scott Russell is in possession of " the signatures of the Lords," and that he cannot furnish further in. formation, the movement being " still in progress." Whereupon Mr. George Potter makes the mystery deeper by stating in yester- day's papers that " at a meeting of the Council held last evening, it was unanimously resolved that the secretary be instructed to inform the Press that the communications signed ' P. Barry, Treasurer,' which have appeared in various newspapers, are wholly unauthorized." So there is a " Council," though the treasurer's communication was (not false, but) " wholly unautho- rized." We suppose the truth is, that an attempt at a secret alliance has been made, but that the politicians mentioned, except perhaps Sir John Pakington, have given in no adhesion to any plans of reform, while expressing their willingness to "consider " them.