21 OCTOBER 1871, Page 2

Lord Derby, while distributing prizes on Wednesday to the 1st

Lancashire Rifle Volunteers, of which corps he is Colonel, made a most sensible speech about our military position. He thought it improbable that this country would be dragged into war, but not impossible, believing that war might recommence in Europe on a very groat scale, when nobody's rights would be much respected. In such an event, he believed we should find our Navy quite good enough, and our Army full of excellent material, but very " raw." It was that rawness we had to remove by experiments like the Hampshire manoeuvres ; with a little experience, our forces would be as good as any, the Volunteers being enabled by their high average intelligence to pick up their duties more quickly than the soldiers. They knew much more than the " undisciplined mobs" who commenced the American war and became in two years experienced soldiers. In fact, Lord Derby thinks we are on the right road, and we should be if he would help to compel Government to organize the transport and supply departments more completely.