Diary of an Embassy. Translated from the Slavonic. By A.
H. Wratis- law, M.A. (Bell and Daldy. )—This "Embassy " was sent by George of Podiebrad, King of Bohemia, to the Court of France, there to urge on behalf of himself and the Kings of Hungary and Poland that a Congress should be hold to set right European affairs generally, and especially to withstand the usurpations of tho Roman Curia. A diary of its pro- ceedings was kept by one Jaroslaw, an attaoh6. This diary was dis- covered in the archives of the town of Budwois by Dr. F. Palacky, who printed it. Unhappily, there was in those days a c ensorship of the press, and the censorship struck the boat stories out of the book as being "disrespectful to the Church of Rome." Nevertheless, there is loft a curious record of manners, given with an amusing simplicity.