India in 1875-6.—The Visit of the Prince of Wales. By
George Wheeler. (Chapman and Hall.)—Mr. Wheeler was special correspondent to the Central News. We may suppose that the greater part of hie volume has already appeared in print. It probably amused readers. then, and it will do so again, in a less degree, now that the novelty of events, for the most part of little importance, has passed away. In one quality of the special correspondent Mr. Wheeler seems scarcely to
be up to the mark, and that is omniscience, at least the sort of omniscience which enables a man to avoid blunder. It is a curious mistake for a well-educated man to find in India the place where "St.
Thomas Aquinas is said to have been martyred." The legend of the preaching of St. Thomas the Apostle in India is about the best known of ecclesiastical traditions. To come from the past to the present, it is a strange blunder to speak of Bishop Milman, of Calcutta, as "a brother of the lamented Doan of St. Paul's," and it argues a certain ignorance of social lhatters to have been surprised that the Bishop should have worn
a coat of clerical cut, but indigo in hue, and to have indulged in the