OE arrogance
From Mr Robert Swann Sir: I'm sorry that George Trefgame didn't know in advance (Ile euro rescued (until next time)', 30 September) that an Old Eto- nian campaigning against capitalism was worth a bottle of champagne (French, I trust). I should have been delighted to fit the bill — and share the champagne.
Why stereotype Etonians? I am opposed to American hegemony passing itself off as globalisation, but am also a Catholic who voted Communist in the European elec- tions and is very fond of Lady Mosley.
The two old Etonians I know locally are a painter and an ex-Labour candidate who writes for The Spectator. Does No Dawnay (`Enough of these frightful swots', 16 September) consider we need dumbing- down? What we do have in common is that we do not mind finding ourselves in a minori- ty of one — Etonian arrogance, perhaps. Robert Swann
Dunes, France