21 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 11



A considerable sensation was occasioned in the City on Monday morning, by intelligence received from BIAS that Messrs. HOTTINOUER and Co., the agents of the United States Bank in Paris, had refused acceptance to the drafts of that establishment to the extent jf 320,000/. The probable effects of this event upon the credit of United States Bank in particular, and of American merchants in general, has been largely and elaborately discussed in the Times, and much good paper, ink, and indignation uselessly wasted upon the Americans. The disastrous effects that our contemporary predicted as likely to result from what he was pleased to call "little less than a stoppage" of the United States Bank, have been averted by the acceptance of the bills by


The usual half-yearly meeting of the bank proprietors was held yesterday, and a dividend of 3/ per cent. for the current half-year upon the capital stock was declared. The affairs of this establishment appear to have prospered, as

besides providing for the dividend just declared out of the half-year's profit, the rest or surplus fund hiss been augmented by 64,127/. 3s. 6d., its present amount

being 2,862,885/. 2s. 2d. Less than the usual quantity of information as to the concerns of the establishment was elicited at the meeting, as the time was chiefly occupied by a discussion as to the propriety of a recent grant of 5001. made by the Directors in aid of the Bethnal Green Churches Fund. From the experience of yesterday, the Directors must be induced to make many such grants, as the discussion that then arose put an effectual stop to all inquiry— a result cheaply purchased by a half yearly donation of 500/. The rise in the price of corn, and its consequent operation upon the ex- changes, has tended to keep down the price of the English Funds; and Stock of every description is to-day fully A per cent. below the prices of last week. The operations have, however, been unimportant, and the decline has not been the result of any extensive sales ; the market having gradually crumbled away. Money is easier, and is readily obtainable upon the security of English Stock at the rate of 5 and 6 per cent. per annum. Exchequer Bills continue to decline, and both yesterday and to-day have been done at par and at 2s. prem. The meeting of yesterday has not produced any material effect upon the value of Bank Stock ; it was quoted previous to the meeting at 187 and 187i, and is to-day 187 188. India Stock is quoted 2501. The attention of the dealers and speculators in the Foreign Market has been almost entirely absorbed by Spanish and Portuguese Stocks. The former bad risen on Tuesday from 29, the price of Saturday last, to 34; being an improve- ment of 5 per cent. ; but a violent reaction occurred from that point, and on Wednesday the quotation was 311; it has since improved to 33, and after falling back to-day again to 31a, may be cited as 32 at the close of business'. Portuguese Stock has risen in nearly a similar proportion ; the Five per Cents., which on Saturday were at 34, have been ns high as 38; and after receding to 364, close to-day at 361 37 ; while the Three per Cents. have risen from to 25i, to recede to 241, and close at 24,1 1. The Five per Cents., 1837, are to-day about 2 per cent. above Saturday's prices ; but as the transactions in this stock are fewer than those in the other varieties, the fluctuations have not been so great. South American Stocks have also experienced a serious decline. Columbian, which was nt 35, has been as low as 311; but has rallied slightly, and to-day may he quoted at 32. The Buenos Ayres and Chilian Bonds have been affected; 21 being the last quotation of the former, and 36 that of the latter : though these prices are merely nominal. Mexican Stock has shared the fate of stst Southern brethren, anvil. from 301 has tidlen to 271 28. A misunderstanding between the Commissioners, in addition to a local insurrection, has produced the decline of Columbian Stock; and as that is generally the measure of value of the rest, they have declined with it. The European Continental Securities are without any change or business of importance; the transactions in them being few, and the attention of all the speculators being absorbed by Spanish, Portuguese, and South American Stocks.


The Consul Market opened heavily, and the price for Money has been as low as 904. It has, however, since improved, and is now 901 1,, While that tar Ac- count is 90} Exchequer Bills are heavier, and have been done at Is. dis- count. In the Foreign Market, all the European Continental Bonds have given way about per cent. Intelligence has been received from the Bra- zils by the Magnet packet (which left Rio Janeiro on the 21st July, Bahia on. the 7th, and Pernambuco on the 14th August,) of an insurrectionary move- ment in the province of Maranham which appears to have been partially successful, as the insurgents are represented to he in force to the number of 3,000, and to hold possession of Caixas, an important town in the province. This news has caused a decline in Brazilian Stock ; which opened at 771, has since been 751, and is now 75 to 76. The decline of 2 per vent. in the price of Spanish Stock in Paris, on Thursday, has caned a depression in that security here : the opening price was 311, tieing g per cent. lower than the closing price of yesterday : the quotation has been as low as 314, but the market is now firmer, anti & price 314 32. Portuguese Stock has been tolerably steady, the fluctuation not having exceeded 4 per cent., the present beieg the highest price—viz. Five per Cents. :161 1 ; Three per Cents. 244 1. The Columbian and the other Non-Dividend Senth Ann riven Pioche arc without variation.

The usual monthly statement of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England gives an inerciee, in securities to the extent of 350,0001. ; while the circulation has been diminished by 9,0001., the deposits 248,0001., the bullion by 449,000/.

F. am o'Cioett.

The fine afternoon (according to Lord Mowry.; 11.1, givcn an impulse to the Money Market, and all deeeiptione of English Stock close i per cent. above the lowest quotations. Exchequer -DU:, Imiv.iver, are ineleinged. In the Foreign Market, Spanish mid Portuguese Stock close about 1 p757,15.535r:6ce64*.iit. higher than in the morning ; Spar.1.11 Active bring 22i, and Portuguese Five per ('cuts. 36), 7. The European Coe theed:d Stinks have improved from A to 4 per cent. Brazilian has been a, In .1.4 bat rallied again to 75i 6. The other South American Securit les isinain without material variation.

3 per Cent. Reduced.. i3 per Cent. C, w.ols Ditto for Act., alit

New 3+ per Cod. Autis Ditto Bonds Bank Stock Exchequer Bills ... India Stock 1 dis. I pin. Deferr...1 St..ek

1:1112 Banish 3 p•r Cents 9S} l:50 1 Itl:Ssi:111 Ot,.!.: 15 per Cent 111 112 187 8 Date .3 per lints 4 Ern:tilt:In 5 per isdrii 5 per Cent 311 2 natty:04e Regency 5 per ets. 36t Dwelt 2+ per Cents

294 +

Belgian 5 per Ceuta. 104 1 Passive Ditto 8}