Zbe Court.
THE Queen has now a large party at Windsor Castle. We find the following names of distinguished guests at her Majesty's table during the week—the Duke of Wellington, Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston, Lord John Russell, Count Nesselrode, Count Brunow, Sir Edward Codrington, the Dowager Countess Cowper, Earl and Countess Cowper, Lady Fanny Cowper, Mr. William Cowper, Baroness Lchzen, Miss Spring Rice, and Lady Charlotte Dundas. The Duke of Wellington, who arrived on Monday, took his depar- ture on Wednesday. Sir James Clark arrived at the Castle on Tuesday. His departure is not recorded, but his return on Thursday is mentioned. The King and Queen of the Belgians left Windsor early yesterday morning, for Woolwich ; where they embarked in a Government steamer for Ostend.