The Colonial Gazette of this day quotes from the Sydney
Morning Herald statements of very strange conduct on the part of Captain Fitz- roy, Governor of New Zealand. Anticipating the resources of the exche- quer, he was about to issue " debentures ' to the amount of 15,0001., but for sums as low as 1/. each, to pay Government-salaries ; such de- bentures to be receivable in payment of taxes ! He had also rescinded the Government right of preemption of land from Natives; enabling Euro- peans to purchase directly from Natives, on payment of 10s. per acre in " fees " to Government ; half the fees to be devoted to immigration and half to Government expenses. He has, then, established a bad paper- currency, lowered the price of land to 108., thrown into confusion the Jaw of land-titles, and reopened the door to the absurd and delusive trading with Native occupants.