On the 12th June, at Randall, East Indies. the Lady of Roamer Pares, Esq., Lieu- tenant and Adjutant of the Sixty-seventh Native Infantry. of twins. Ou the 3i1 September, at the Baths of Lucca, the Lady of Captain Viscrter Krinvirr, Bombay Army, of a son.
On the 6th. at Mill House Cottage, Cumberland, the Lady of Colonel HAY, Bengal Army, of a son. On the 13th. at Freshwater. Isle of Wight, the Lady of Commander GRAHAM EDEN W. HAMOND, R.N.. of a daughter. On the 13th, at Westbrook, Hertfordshire, Lady GEORGIANA RYDER, of a son. On the 1311r. the Lady of Captain GEORGE HATHORN, Royal Navy, of a daughter. Oa the 13111. at Highgate. Mrs. FRANCIS Itiviriorox, of a son. On the 15th, at Whitgift Hall, Gole. Yorkshire, the Lady of Captain Sir hum CLAIM Ross, R.N., of a son.
On the 22d June. at Ootiuntmund, Neilglierries, Major Loam; Purr/tm?, Seven- teenth Regiment M.N.1., to SUSANNA ANN Ewa. eldest daughter of the Venerable HftIRY HARFER, Archdeacon of Madras.
On the 4th July, at St. Thomas's Cathedral, Bombay. Mrrcat.r LARBEN, Esq., of the Civil Service. to MARIA. fourth daughter of the Hon. JAMES HENRY CRAWFORD, Member of Council of the Bombay Presideucy. On the 311 September, at Sidmouth, Captain MASSENBERG, R.N., to Aura, eldest daughter of M. Gorrrits, Esq., of Belmont. On the 1411t. at Bruton, Somerset, Ewan, MICHELL, Esq., of that place, to FANNY CASSAN, relict of the late Rev. S. H. Cassan, and third daughter of the late Rev. William Ireland, of Frome. Somerset. On the 14th, at Devizes. Wilts. JOHN LAWRENCE, Esq.. of St. Ives. Huntingdonshire, to ANNE. only daughter of the late Rev. ROBERT LAVENDER MANNING. On the 17th at Alverstoke, Captain LARCON, Royal Navy, to Miss WESTMORELAND Jane. daughter of Vice-Admiral 51• Oa the 17th. at Edge Hill Church. Liverpool. Roots Dawsow, Esq., Tyddyn roe, near St. Asaplt, to BARBARA YELVERTON, eldest daughter of the Hon. and Rev. FREDM. arc Pawn, and cousin of Lord Lilford.
On the 18th, at Brambam, FREDERIC% ACCLUSI Mtuttwx. Esq., of Hart and Hartle- pool. to ALEXIANA, daughter of the late Sir ALEXANDER DON, Bart., of Newton Don. Roxburghshire. On the 18th, at Brighton, Dorrcas Srrmaar Roarwrsow, Esq., of Carronvale, to Rotrurrrs ANNE MARY, third daughter of the Hon. Colonel OGILVY, of Clove. brother Of the Earl of Airlie.
On the 4th March, at Wellington, New Zealand, Wiroast VITRTIVIUS BREWER, Esq., Barrister-at-law, second son of T. G. Brewer, Esq.
On the 27th June, at Kalka. Bengal, Major Ilamsrow. of her Majesty's Thirty-first Regiment, fourth sou of the late James Urmston, Esq., of the Grange, Clugwell. Essex.
On the 24th July, at Caracas. Lootsa. Wife of BELFORD HINEDN Waster, Esq., Her Britannic Majesty's Charge d'Affaires to Venezuela. On the 2d September, at Barlcchan, Mr. WKNIGHT ; is hie 101st year. Os the 7th, at Plymouth, Lieutenant GERALD FITTOTHBON, half-pay of the Twenty- third Royal Welch Fusileets. On the 10th. at Paris, RUTH Wirsorr, Wife of Major BrutinErr, and sister of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Calcutta ; in her 63d year. On the 11th, at Pontesford, near Shrewsbury. SratiEs BROCHET BROCNET junior, Barrister, and eldest son of Stanes Bracket Brocket, the High Sheriff of the County of Essex, and a Bencher of the Middle Temple. On the 13th, at Sporle. Norfolk, the Rev. WILLIAM ROBERTS, Vicar of that place, with the Rectory of Palgrave antlered ; in his 51st year. On the 13th, at Ballivacurra. ROBERT BENNETT, Esq., Recorder of Cork. On the 15th, at Islington, HANNAH, the Widow of the late Rev. Professor Fannin, of Cambridge ; in her 77th year. On the 16th, at Rheola, Glamorganshire, Mrs. EDWARDS VAUGEIAN, Widow of John Edwards Vaughan, Esq., formerly M.P. for that county and for the city of Wells.
On the 17th, at Leamington. the Hon. Mrs. CAMERON, widow of the late Donald Cameron, of Lochiel.
On the 18th. CHARLES BROWNE Moneys. Esq., late of Kiddington House, Oxford- shire ; in his 911 year.