21 SEPTEMBER 1844, Page 20


ARRIVED—At Gravesend, 14th Sept. Bussorah Merchant, Nell, from Bombay ; and Lively. Martin, from the Cape ; 16th, Caledonia, Liddle, from Sydney ; W. and M. Brown. Balaton, from Calcutta; and Thomas Blyth, Hay, from Mauritius ; 17111. Ann, Wilson; and Curraghm.re, Ball, from Calcutta; and Horwood. Gales, from the Cape ; 18th. Olive Branch, Murdoch, from Madras ; Marquis of Bute, Lockett, from Bom- bay ; Reliance, Fox, from Algoa Bay ; and Sultana and Selina, M•Laren, from the Cape. At Portsmouth, 14th. Canton, —. from China. At Cowes. 17th, Cleveland. Marley, from Batavia. At Liverpool, 15th, Salopian, Bell, from China ; and Jumna. Kerr, from Calcutta ; 16th„ Josephiue, Smith, from Singapore ; and 18th, Elizabeth Jane, Haigh. from Calcutta. OF Liverpool, 19th, Mary Ray, Ellwood, frOm Calcutta. In the Clyde, 16th, Maxine. M•Millau ; and 18th, Margaret Shelly, Topping, both from Bombay. Off Cork, Prima Donna, Kell, from Singapore. At Shields, 15th, Prince of Wales, Wilson,. from Calcutta. At the Cape of Good Hope, previous to the- 7th July, Union, Allan ; John, Davey ; Sarah Charlotte, Domett ; and Galatea, Owen, from London ; Susan, Clarke. from Ramsgate ; Beatrice. Hesse; and So- crates. Williams, from Liverpool ; Eclipse, Smith; and Ciugalese, Hutchinson, from Newcastle. At Ceylon, 27111 June, Bengal, Erringtou; and Alvertou. Fergusson, from Newcastle. At Madras, previous to 18th July, Worcester, Beckford; and Orestes. Frnwick. from London; Emma, White; and City of Poonah, Hight, from Newcastle. At Singapore, 19th June, Earl of Liverpool, Wilson, from Bristol; and Chiliva, Wylie, from the Clyde. SAILED—From Gravesend, 14th Sept. John Liue, Brodie. for Madras. From Liver- pool, 17th, Glendaragh, Kissock, for Calcutta; and Deva, Sproat, for Ceylon ; 18th, Bengalee, Beadle, for Calcutta; and 19th, Marmion, Jellard; and Jos. Porter, Wilson. for Hung-kong.