Tuesday, Sept. 17.
Tickle and Cooper. Bolton-le-Moors, tobacco-manufacturers-Seeley and Applegate. Streatham Place, Brixton Hill. tailors-Valle and Co. Loudon. impressers of gold sub- stance on manufactured articles-Senior and Hattersley, Sheffield. file•maunfacturers- Rawsou and Jamieson, Port Phillip. farmers-Marsdeu and Co. Sheffield, manufac- turers of cabinet cases-Beaumont and Co. Leeds, cloth dressers-Hughes and Hus- band. Sheffield. hatters-Mundy and Wells. Trowbridge, ironmongers--Calvert and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted spinners ; as far as regards S. B. Clapham.
Malmo., S. H. T., Upper Grouud Street. Blackfriars, irou-merchant.
CATCH, JAMES. Sheffield. re:dialer, to surrender Oct. 2. 18: solicitors. Mr. Biggs Southampton Buildings ; Messrs. Haywood and Brantley, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman. Leeds.
Dam, WILLIAM Hyzrr. Aston jolts Birmingham, chemist, Oct. 1, Nov. I : solici- tors, Messrs. Motteram and Giddey, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. HADFIELD, SAMUEL. Manchester. file-manufacturer, Sept. 28. Oct. 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Temple ; Messrs. Atkinson and Sanders, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Stanway, Manchester. Mamas. JAMES Simpson, Liverpool. ship-broker. Oct. 8. Nov. 4 : solicitors. Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; Messrs. Littledale and Bardswell, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. HopEINS, Feasters CHARLES,Totteuharn Court Road, commission-agent, Sept. 25, Oct. 25: solicitor, Mr. Whittington, Dean Street, Fiusbury; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street. Jonas, THOMAS and JoHN, Liverpool, tallow-chandlers. Oct. 8, Nov. 4 : solicitors, Mr. Cotterill, Throgmornin Street ; Messrs. Fletcher and Hull, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.
RosarEa. Gamin. Bridgewater. jeweller. Sept. 26. Nov. 7; solicitors, Messrs. Tay- lor and Connell. Great James Street ; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
Taoism, WILLIAM, Liverpool, victualler, Oct. 9. Nov. 9: solicitors. Messrs. Vin- cent and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Curry and Co. Liverpool ; cfficial assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. PIVIDENDs. Oct. 10, Maniglier, Mincing Lane, merchant -Sept. 30. Heathorn, Abchurch Lane. shipowner-Oct. 10, Laaton, Darlaston. Staffordshire. cooper-Oct. 9, Lamb, Pilking- ton, calico-printer-Oct. 8, G. and J. Wilkinson, Bishop Auckland, curriers-Oct. 8, Weir, Carlisle, iron merchant-Oct. 8. Hodgson, Bishop Auckland, mercer-Oct. 10. Walker. Houghton-le-Skerne, Durham, grocer-Oct. 24, Futhergill senior. Selby, apo- thecary-Nov. 8. Parker. Sheffield. spade-manufacturer-Nov. 8. Pemberton, Leeds, soap-boiler-Oct. 17. Brook. Huddersfield, wool.cloth merchant - Oct. 17. Layton, Leeds, fruit-merchant-Oct. 17, Wumach, Leeds, cloth-merchant-Oct. 8, Walfurd, Birmingham, maltster.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on Me day of meeting.
Oct. 9, Vernon. Monks Coppenhail. Cheshire, victualler-Oct. 9, Hunter. Liverpool, merchant-Oct. 9, G. and M. Mackenzie, Liverpool, ship brokers-Oct. 9, M'Divett, Liverpool. merchant-Oct. 10. Goodenough, Newton Abbott, woollen-draper.
Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or bet"re Oct. 8. Tansley, St. John's Street, straw-plait-dealer-Fryer, Alfred Street, City Road, grocer- Goadsby junior, Salford, druggist-Foster, Dover. tailor-Baker, Woolwich. builder-Wood. Brighton. dentist-Marsden junior, Bradford, maltster-Youughus- band, Upper Belgrave Place, bitumen-manufacturer.
Brown and Andrews, Leeds, cloth-dressers ; div. of 20s. on the separate estates, and a div. of Is. 71d. on the joint estate, any day on nod after Oct. 7 ; Mr. Young, Leeds. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
CAR8WELL, A.. Dundee. flax-dresser, Sept. 24. Oct. 16. - -Gamma., T., Riddlaw Wood, Lanarkshire, farmer, Sept. 20, Oct. 11.
Friday, Sept. 20.
Williams and Hood, Manchester, rirysalters-Cheshire and Waterton, Liverpool, salt- dealers-Johnson and Co. Church Street, Miuories, chronometer-makers-Bill and Brient. Bridgewater Square. papiermachee-manufacturers-Roystun and Co. Brad- ford, millwrights-Withers and Cu. Crown Court, Philpot Lane, o hulesale tea-cleaners; as far as regards G. Withers-Wright and Co. Birstal„ machine-makers; as far as re- gards J. Deatden-Armitage Brothers, Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchants ; as br as regards J. Armitage-Bushell and Blamer. South Shields, ship-builders-Hunt and Stott, Manchester, engine-makers-llollis and Simmons. Portsea, wood-dealers- Bmdsbaw and Kirkham, Lancaster. tallow-chandlers-Robinson and Teasley, New Radford, lace-makers-Capel and Slaughter, Bridewell Wharf, coal-merehauts -W. and H. Skeate, Chippenham. Wiltshire. linendrapers--Tassell and Smith, East Mai- ling, paper-manufacturers-Sugdeu and Fearnley, Birstal, wire-drawers.
ALDERSON, ISAAC, Halifax. worsted-spinner, to surrender Oct. 9, 23: solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and Edwards. Ely Place ; Mr. Edwards, Halifax ; Mr. Cronhelm, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr, Hope. Leeds. BALL. JOHN and WILLIAM. Langley. Cheshire, silk-manufacturers, Ort. 8.23 : soli- citors, Messrs. Meredith and Reeve, Lincoln's fun; Mr. Parrott, Macclesfield ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser. Manchester. BATES, FRANCIS, Shoreditch. linendraper, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 : solicitor, Mr. Moser, Paternoster Row ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchiu Lane. BoaNErr. EDWARD, Riches Court. Lime Street. merchant., Sept. 29, Nov. 6: solici- tors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street ; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane.
COLLIER, WILLIAM, Cambridge, grocer. Oct. 20, Nov. 8 : solicitors, Mr. A•hurst, Cheapside ; Mr. Hunt. Cambridge ; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Bireldu Lane. GRUNDY, JOHN, Ramsbo torn, Lancashire, woollen-manufacturer, Oct. 4. Nov. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Messrs. Gruudy, Bury, Lau- • cashire ; official assignee. Mr. Stanwny, Manchester. MIOHAM, JOHN, Liverpool, provisiou-dealer, Sept. 30, Oct. 31: solicitors. Messrs. C.oruthwaite and Adams. Doctors' Commons; and Messrs. Fisher and Stone, Liver- pool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. MARSH, THOMAS, Canterbury, miller. Oct. 5. Nov. 7: solicitors. Mr. Smith. South- ampton Buildings; and Mr. Walker. Canterbury; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingliall Street.
Maws, BENJAMIN, Rufford's Row, Islington, tailor. Oct. 11. Nov. 8: solicitor, Mr. ,Fisher, Bucklersbury; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
PATrEasosr, ADAM, Liverpool, livery-stablekeeper, Oct. 4. 31 solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Moss, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Case- nove, Liverpool. SCOVELL. WILLIAM junior, Chilworth, Hampshire, briekmaker, Sept. 30, Nov. 6 : solicitor, Mr. Paterson, Bouverie Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry. SHOTTER, FRANCIS, Portsea, Hampshire, grocer, Oct. 10. Nov. 7: solicitor. Mr. Bay- lis, Devonshire Square; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Oct. 12. Yonuger, Great Tower Street, merchant-Oct. 12. Adnum, Dorrington Street, upholsterer-Oct. 12, Foster, Jewry Street, harness-maker-Oct. 12. Cole. Goldsmith Street, City. laceman-Oct. 12, Fendall, Woodstock Street, Oxford Street, butcher-Oct. 9, Mayo. Craven Buildings. Drury Lane, woollen-draper-Oct. 11. Balt and Turner. Birmingham. printers-Oct. 11, Nicks, Warwick, carpenter-Oct. 11. Tartu°. Westbromwieli. cualmaster-Oct. 11, Bent, Dudley. Worcestershire, grocer- Oct. 12. Evans, Denbigh, scrivener-Oct. 11. Whitley, Liverpool, money scrivener- Oct. 12, Hill, Wallasey, Cheshire. brewer-Oct. 24. Phillips, Exeter, chemist-Oct. 11, Walters and Llewellyn, Neath, Glamorganshire, timber-Inerchant.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on theday of meeting.
'Oct. 12, Scott, Colchester, baker-Oct. 12, Willis, Spring Street. Portmau Square, green-grocer-Oct. 12. Carter junior. Waltham, Leicestershire, butcher.
lo be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct.11.
Rowley. Oxford Street. draper-Brown, Manchester, fustian manuffieturer -Mar- getts, Oxford, wine merchant-Roberts. Handley. Cheshire, butcher.
Johnson and Chapman, Manchester, manufacturing-chemists; first div. of 6d. on any Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Potts Manchester.
-Cataract& and Co., Glasgow, clothiers, Sept. 24, Oct.15. CHARLES, R., Glasgow, chemist, Sept. 26, Oct. 22. Famous and Co., Milntowu of Redcastle, Ross.shire, contractors, Sept. 26, Oct.26. RAE, F., Glasgow, upholsterer, Sep. 21, Oct. 15.