(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
&Jaws = I: Australasian Brazilian Imperial British North American Ditto (St. John del Rey) 121 Colonial British Iron i Loudon and Westminster Caudouga - Loudon Joint Stock • Cobre Copper -- National of Ireland RAILWAYS- National Provincial Edinburgh and Glasgow 66 Provincial of Ireland Eastern Counties 1 la Union of Australia Grand Junction Union of London Great North of England 172 DoCKS - Great Western 145 East and West India Liverpool and Manchester .... 207 London London and Brighton 47 St. Katherine London and Blackmail ....... 61 M iscELLANE0US - London and Greenwich 101 Australian Agricultural Loudon and Birmingham 2121 British American Laud Loudon and Croydon 161 ex d. Canada Manclierar and Leeds 124 General Steam Midland , 106 New Zealand South-eastern and Dover ' 381 Royal Mail Steam - South-western I 73 South Australian York and North Midland 103 Van Diemeu's Laud BULLION. METALS.
Gold,Foreign is lbws ...per or. 31. 17s. ad, Copper, British Cakes.per ton 811.0•. to 0 Ci• Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars.. 0 0 Iron, British Bars 5 IS 0- 6 0 0
0Iexican Dollars 0 4 10 Lead, 11 .. .... Pig 10 10 0 -- 17* • Silver in Bars. Standard 0 4 III Steel, English 0 0 0- 0 tt GRAIN. Mark Lane. September 21. We have had a large supply of English Wheat during the week, no inconsiderable proportion being from Lincoloshire and other comities, which has gone direct to the Millers. There is only a moderate show of samples this morning, and the trade seems to be tolerably firm at Monday's rates. Foreign Wheat is held generally at full prices,. the soft condition of marry new samples relitlerio•", the trade somewhat dearer. Barley fully supports its previous value both for English and Foreign qualities ; whilst Beans and Peas have scarcely undergone any change iu value. The supply of Irish Oats aro rather large, cousisling more of new thau old qualities, and the trade generally is de- void of animation today. Much difficulty is experienced in making sales of new Oats. except at some reduction iu prices, but old are still held very firmly.
Whent,RedNew 38 l o 41 Fine 41 ..46 Old 41 - 41 White 45 .. 43 Fine HI .. 5o SAperfineNewlO .. 41 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperialof England and Wale.. For the present Week. Wheat 48s. Dd. Rye 31•. 51. Wheat His. od Ilea ys. Gd
Barley as 10 Bitans ... ., .. as o Barley ........ 4 0 Deans .. .. 8 I
Oats ..... 50 3 Peas ..... . .. 34 0 Oats 6 0 Peas 8 6 Weekly Averages f or i lie Week ending Sept. 14 Whoat, 45..114.-13a ley. 654. Ild.-Outs, Ye.. Is -Rye, 35s. 0.1.-Beans, 37s. 9d-Peas, 31s. od .
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 14s. Od . per dm. Carlow, 31.15.. is 31.19s. per cot. BACON, Small Old. per cwt.- Os, CHEESE. Chesifire 42•.ts 74e.
Derby Plain 50,10 MM. HAMS, York CO, to 749., EGGS. French... per 120 44. Od .to 62.0d.
York Reds per ton Os. to Os. Scotch Heels 0 -. 0 Devon, 0 - 0 Kent and Essex Whites 0 - 0 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECHAPEL. 1054 . It Os 656. 1054.
88 •• 95
If* .. 11S 05 120 0 .. 0 75 .. 136 en .. 33 .. 32 0 .. 30 BUTCHERS' MEAT.
NEWGATE AND LISA DENHA LL.• SMITHFIELD.. Y.. ed. to 3s. Yd. Is 31, Dd. Rs. 8d.1.0 as GI. to Od.
.. 3 4 „. 3 s 8 0 3 10 4 4 3 0 - 3 8 „ 4 4 3 4 3 19 4 ,„ 8 8 .. 4 4 3 4 .. • 0 a 3 4 0 4 0 ... It 8 6. 0 .• • 4 • To sink theolial-per albs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD.
B . Sheep. Casa. Pigs.
ritlay ....... ........ 3,Ut71 83.905
8,140 185 rd 144 DOI GROCERIES.
TEA, Bohea, fine, p. lb. A. 04. - 0 •
Congo°, One ...... -2 •
8nueboog,Sna ..... 2 0-8 8,
• In Bond-Duty lb. COFFEE, fine (lisbd) per sat. 962 211828. Good Ordinary 2666 UGAR,MUscovado.psr 6211.32•• 112. Wont India Molasam... aes.04. to s7se FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) 5 p. Ct. 801 Mexican 5 p. Ct. 5 - 1141 Ditto (Deferred) 5 - 1031 Michigan 6 89l Mississippi (Sterling) 6
36 Neapolitan 6 - New York (1858) s
105 Ohio 6 141 Pennsylvania 5 - Peruvian 6
62 Portuguese 5
- 1001 Ditto (Converted) - - Russian 5 - -
Spanish 5 - 37 Ditto 3 - - Ditto (Passive)
- 93 Ditto (Deferred) - 75 South Carolina 5 p. Ct - - United Stales Bank - 105 Virgiuia. 6 - Alabama (Sterling) Austrian
Belgian 5 Brazilian 5
Buenos Ayres 6 - Cuba 6 - Chiliau 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 French 3 Ditto 5 Indiana (Sterling) 5 Illinois 6 Kentucky 6 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 Maryland (Sterling) 5 Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 361 155 90
84 461 1185 231 341 5 131 BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes.
994 991 991
1 991 991
2831 76 92 92 991 991 shut shut shut shut shut 76 pm. 93 pm. 76 90
Thurs. Friday.,
991 995 991 991 2831 2844
76 7924
.1 per Cent. Consols ..... • Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 31 per Cents. Reduced New 31 per Cents Long Annuities
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.
India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills, lid. p. diem India Bonds, 3g per cent 131 161 33 26/ 137 1151 117
3- 1
▪ 4.
Oals,Feed .101010 Fine . 50..21
Poland . 21 . Se
Fine 2324 Palmas 24 Vine 25 26 Hie 311s 56 Barley- 25 -26 Malting 80.. 3i Xlalt, Ordinary 50 .. as Fine 58 tit Peas. Hog.... 31 .. at Maple 32 to 33 White 33. B5 Boilers 36. 88 Beans, Tick 29 .. 31 Old 30,.34 Flarriwr 3.3 .. 35 FLOUR.
........ per sack 42s. to 47s.
Seconds 37 - 4 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 33 - 37 Notfolk and Stockton 32 35 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.
POLLARD, One Os. to Os.
BREAD, 6d. to 5J. the 41b Loaf.
Kent. Pockets 112s. to I30s.
Choice Ditto 140 - 168 Sussex Pockets Ira -112 Fine Ditto 115 - LSO Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Strew
Mallon Veal Pork Lamb OILS, COALS, CANDLES.
Rape Oil ......... .....per cwt. IL 16s Od IDfined 0 0 0 Linseed Oil 1 3 0 Linseed Oil (lake ..... ..per l000 0 o o CAN DLES,per damn, MAI& to 0 a. Od. Moulds (6d. 06.0d. COALS, Helton Tess SM. ad.