am-Mrs.—We have news from New York to the 3rd instant.
A combined exptdition, commanded by Commodore Stringham and General Butler, arrived off Hatteras Inlet, on the 28th of August. On the following day, the ships opened fire upon the forts which guard the inlet, and continued the bombardment at intervals till the 30th, when the officer in command surrendered unconditionally, with his whole force, 600 men, as prisoners of war. The victory gives the Federal Government the control of the interior navigation of North Carolina, the long sea water lake which runs within the coast, and can shelter any number of privateers. It is, moreover, the first surrender of the Confederates on any large scale, and has been followed by numbers of North Carolinians coming in to take the oath of allegiance. Mr. Russell reports that the discipline of the army 13 greatly im- proved, that the men feel General M'Clellan's hand, and that the city is as quiet as any European town. He had previously reported that the commissariat and carriage arrangements were excellent, the men being amply fed, and the carts large and well horsed.
General Fremont has issued a proclamation announcing that, in presence of the anarchy in Missouri, he finds himself compelled to proclaim martial law : 'All persons who shall be taken with arms in their hands within these lines shall be tried by court-martial, and if found guilty will be shot. The property, real and personal, of all i
persons n the State of Missouri who shall take up arms against the United States, or who shall be directly proven to have taken active part with their enemies in the field, is declared to be confiscated to the public use, and their slaves, if any they have, are hereby declared free men." All persons who destroy bridges, railways, or telegraphs, will also be shot. This order is considered at Washington as intro- clueino. the thin edge of the abolition wedge. The Government has ordered that all men enrolled, whether equipped or not, should be forwarded to Washington, and the enemy are represented to be still in front of Manassas, and some 125,000 strong. The secretary to the Treasury has issued a patriotic appeal to the people to subscribe to the open loan, and the first result is reported favourable. Figures would, however, be acceptable.